
Is it still waist sore after childbirth, is it because I didn't sit well? Can regenerating another litter cure it?

Hard work pregnant in October, I thought it would be easier after unloading, who knows, the presence of the waist is so strong, from time to time let you feel its existence, can not move let you pain to stand straight.

Many mothers have doubts, not to say that when pregnant, the waist is sore and endured, after giving birth to the child, it is good, how to give birth to the baby, the waist pain is more serious?

There are still many people who will say that it must be that the confinement is not sitting well, the confinement makes you lie down more and not listen, and the warm point is not willing, and now the waist is sore, who is to blame? If you want to improve the situation of waist pain, you can only have one more child, and next time you sit well in the confinement.

Is it still waist sore after childbirth, is it because I didn't sit well? Can regenerating another litter cure it?

Is this really the case?

I dare say that if you follow the above method, you will also have waist soreness after childbirth, because waist soreness has nothing to do with confinement, it is actually doomed when you are pregnant.

A legacy of pregnancy

In October of pregnancy, as the fetus gradually enlarges and the pregnant mother's uterus enlarges, the center of gravity begins to shift back, in order to maintain balance, the waist of the pregnant woman's spine will gradually convex, the neck is flexed forward, and the shoulders are moved down.

When the center of gravity of our body changes, the direction of the joint stress changes, and the pregnant mother's weight increases, so the joint stress will also increase.

Is it still waist sore after childbirth, is it because I didn't sit well? Can regenerating another litter cure it?

Secondly, due to the increase of laxin, the joints of pregnant mothers are relaxed, and the sacroiliac joint (the position on both sides of the waist), the sacrococcygeal joint and the pubic bone activity increase, and the lumbar spine will be more unstable, which is more likely to cause discomfort in the waist.

It is conceivable that pregnant mothers need to maintain such a posture for up to half a year, although they have been unloaded, but it is impossible for the waist to return to their original state immediately.

However, Bao Mom does not have to worry too much, such a status quo is temporary, 80%-95% of the waist pain can be alleviated within half a year after giving birth.

Although most of the six months can be relieved, it also varies from person to person, and there are also waist pain that persists after 2-3 years of childbirth. If it is not good after this period of time, it is recommended to go to the hospital for treatment, ask the reason, and prescribe the right medicine.


Because the mother needs to take care of the child after childbirth, such as changing diapers, bathing, breastfeeding, etc., if the posture is improper, the muscles of the waist will be overwhelmed, which will easily cause pain caused by lumbar muscle strain.

Is it still waist sore after childbirth, is it because I didn't sit well? Can regenerating another litter cure it?

Excessive weight gain

If you are overweight during pregnancy, or if you eat heavily after childbirth, resulting in excessive weight gain, you will also suffer from waist pain.

Overweight and obese women have a nearly 30% risk of developing bone diseases of the muscles after pregnancy compared to normal-weight women.

In other words, back pain is not caused by improper nursing during your confinement or cold, but by your weight exceeding normal indicators.

So, how should mothers alleviate postpartum waist pain in their daily lives?

1. When breastfeeding, you should pay attention to the posture of breastfeeding, when breastfeeding, you should choose a seat with support on the back, you can also cushion a small pillow at the waist, do not let the waist empty, so that the waist can be supported a little.

2. Try to bend down as little as possible, when changing the baby's diaper, choose a suitable height to replace, usually move heavy objects should let the family come, if forced, lift the heavy object, should first squat, knees slightly curved, keep the back straight posture.

3. Choose a suitable pair of low heels, but not too flat, taiping soles will fatigue.

4. Choose a soft and hard mattress, mothers avoid sleeping on a soft mattress, a harder mattress is helpful for spinal support, it is best to use a side lying position, you can also put a pillow between your knees.

5. Suitable sports, you can go for walking, swimming, yoga at a fixed time every day, but be careful not to overdo it.

6. Hot compress massage, you can take a hot bath, or apply a hot bag, which can relax our tense muscles.

7. Rational medication, if the pain is severe, you can also take analgesic drugs, such as ibuprofen can be used during lactation.

If the above methods still cannot relieve the pain, you should go to a regular hospital for treatment.

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