
The 67-year-old man said to himself: Remarried and married a "stingy" wife, and lived a good life in his later years Introduction: Many people say that remarried couples will not be happy, because the elderly remarry, many are running for profit

author:Xingzai life vlog

The 67-year-old man said to himself: Remarried and married a "stingy" wife, and lived a good life in his later years


Many people say that remarried couples will not be happy, because the elderly remarry, many are running for interests, there is no sincerity at all, today Xiaobian discussed with you the story is a 67-year-old man self-described, remarried in his later years, married a stingy wife, and lived well in his later years Today Xiaobian will take everyone to see it together.

Uncle Song:

I remarried when I was 67 years old, I remarried with my wife for two years, and now our relationship is still very good, I met her through old age blind dates, and I met her deeply in love that day.

I met her at a restaurant that day. I thought she ate a lot, but all she ordered that day was relatively affordable, and the two of us spent 200 yuan for 4 dishes that day.

Since that day, I have a good impression of her, thinking that this woman is particularly family-oriented and very sensible. Since I met that day, I've had her contact information, and I've often talked to her every day when I've had nothing to do, or asked her out for a walk and a date.

The two of us decided to remarry after two months together, in the later years we both need each other's company, a life alone will inevitably be lonely and lonely, and it is also a good idea to have someone around to accompany us, so I remarried her.

Remarried life is still quite happy, she took the initiative to help with housework, living expenses for the two of us to bear each other, sometimes she will take the initiative to buy some daily necessities, as well as to buy vegetable money, she also has a pension every month, but she never just let me pay excess pension.

She also buys gifts for my grandchildren. Although she would spend extra money on my grandchildren or on me, she would never buy herself a dress or a pair of pants, and she was very stingy with herself.

Reluctant to eat or wear, I am particularly stingy with myself. She's been with me for so long, I've never seen her buy herself clothes, all the clothes she wears are all the clothes she's bought before, and sometimes her children buy her clothes.

When I asked her why she didn't buy herself clothes, she always said, "Why do you buy so many clothes?" I can't wear that much on my own, and I have the money to buy clothes, so I might as well take that money to buy snacks and toys for your grandchildren."

I was very touched to hear her say this. My wife she is still quite tough, sometimes help me with grandchildren, granddaughters, sometimes also go back to help take care of the children, she is very generous to others, but really very angry with herself, my wife is a particularly fair person.

She was as good to my grandchildren as she was to her grandchildren, never distinguishing between you and me, and she also paid special attention to the education of her children, she always said that knowledge can change a person's destiny, and often bought books for my grandchildren.

On weekends, I would take my grandchildren, they went to the library to read books, the grandchildren could ask her if there was anything wrong, my wife was a substitute teacher when she was young, and she also knew a lot of knowledge. In any way, my wife has performed particularly well, and she can educate her children well in the education of children.

In my relationship with her, she was able to handle our feelings. In life, she can also be a little expert in life, no matter in what aspect she is excellent, let me like it, the only thing is that she is too stingy with herself.

I asked her to be nicer to herself, life is only a few decades, if you don't be nice to yourself, it will be in vain, at my insistence, sometimes my wife will buy herself some clothes and pants. Every time she didn't want to buy it I would offer to buy it for her, and having been with her for so long, I also knew how much she was wearing.

I remarried with my wife in my old age and lived happily, although she was a little stingy with herself, but in her later years she lived a very happy life, and it was a blessing that I could meet such a wife in my old age.


Who said that remarriage in the later years has no true feelings, as long as you treat others sincerely, others treat you sincerely, that is, sometimes this is the case, sincere heart for sincerity, if you are everywhere to prevent others, always know that taking that others will definitely guard against you.

The 67-year-old man said to himself: Remarried and married a "stingy" wife, and lived a good life in his later years Introduction: Many people say that remarried couples will not be happy, because the elderly remarry, many are running for profit

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