
A bride in Henan gets married in a down jacket: the accommodation you love is just a scam carefully created by others


Recently, in Anyang, Henan, there was an unusual wedding that triggered a heated discussion among netizens. Because at this wedding, the bride did not wear a wedding dress, but wore a down jacket that she usually wears, and a gray sweatpants, and the groom is instead a suit.

A bride in Henan gets married in a down jacket: the accommodation you love is just a scam carefully created by others

Wedding is a big event in life, how to say that you should dress up, why is the bride so shabby? It turned out that the bride was pregnant, and the in-laws were not willing to spend this money to rent a wedding dress, thinking that since they were all pregnant, they simply saved some money.

And at this wedding, none of the bride's family members arrived.

It is understood that the bride is a foreigner, and the groom met when she was working, after the two people fell in love, the bride originally planned to take the groom home to meet her parents, but because of the poor conditions of the groom's home, the bride's parents were very opposed. The bride thinks that the groom is very good to her, and the groom coaxes her, saying that when the raw rice is cooked, the woman's parents will accept her. Subsequently, the bride became pregnant, but her parents still did not accept it, and there was a very hasty wedding.

The in-laws also said: "You are pregnant now, the wedding dress is only once, don't rent it, waste money, the groom's suit can buy one, after all, you can wear it later." So there was this shabby wedding, and the bride wore a down jacket to attend her wedding.

Seeing this, I also predicted the life of this bride after marriage, and when she married, she was so unpopular with her in-laws, let alone after marriage.

We will find that there will always be some girls who are too stubborn in love, and others will see that the man is unreliable, and the man cannot marry, but the girl is still clinging to "I believe he can give me happiness", these girls love the confusion, and even do not know what they love.

As a result, it is conceivable that they have suffered a lot in their marriage. It is not that they find that men have changed after marriage, but that they have a lucky mentality towards men with a virgin heart.

Wait, this girl will regret it in the future, her parents did not let her marry this man, all with good intentions, but she loved this man and then she accommodated. As a result, she did not get the respect of her in-laws, but the in-laws took advantage of her pregnancy to calculate her. This wedding, it can be said that from beginning to end, is a well-planned scam in the name of love, and the poor bride is really too much in love, and in the end, she can only be disappointed.

A bride in Henan gets married in a down jacket: the accommodation you love is just a scam carefully created by others.

A bride in Henan gets married in a down jacket: the accommodation you love is just a scam carefully created by others


I've been asked by some readers, what kind of woman will have a good life? In addition to the good luck of others, it is more important that she has a clear view of love.

Some women are a mess of their own concept of love, no matter who they marry, they will be unhappy, while some women are different, she knows what is right and what is wrong, and will never act hastily. Like the bride in the opening chapter, she belongs to the unclear, she is willing to do everything for love, but she is deeply calculated. Such a marriage would not have any good outcome and was doomed to an unhappy end from the start.

Remember Minglan in the TV series "Know It or Not"? A smart girl like Ming Yatou will be happy if she marries anyone. Why? Ming Yatou has a clear view of love, she can see people accurately, the key is that she has her own brain, and her heart is strong.

In marriage, women want a good life, but not just by luck and beauty, you have to have a good view of love, and at the same time avoid men who do not have good intentions for you. You have to understand what kind of man you are looking for in your marriage, you have to be independent in your thinking, you can afford it, you can put it down, only in this way will you have a happy and happy marriage.

If you believe too much in a garbage man and indulge in garbage love, then in the end you are the one who suffers. Complaining about why your life is not good is caused by your own view of love.

There is so much love and marriage in this world that you can see at a glance that you will not be happy. But what about the people in the innings? They still harbored a fluke mentality, and they had to bang their heads against the south wall. Don't take chances with men, you will eventually understand: a man can't be seen by others, there must be a certain truth. You have to listen to persuasion, and women who do not listen to persuasion in love will eventually suffer losses.

The bride who married in a down jacket, her misfortune was all her own fault, and her parents opposed it for her own good, but she loved too much and was still on the scumbag's way. Such a girl is really stupid, because she can't tell who is sincere and false to her, she takes love too seriously, desperately, and in the end it is just a scam.

I used to sympathize with such a girl, but then I didn't sympathize, some people are unhappy, really blame themselves, there is no other way.

A bride in Henan gets married in a down jacket: the accommodation you love is just a scam carefully created by others


Writing this article today, I want to say to unmarried girls: you must make yourself have a clear view of love, only in this way, you can be happy in marriage, but if you are too stubborn, then sooner or later you will suffer in marriage, and then you really can't complain about others.

Girls must listen to persuasion when they get married, and they have to look at each other's family situation with a thick face, it is not enough to have love, what is love? Do you think "he loves you" is really enough? The bride who married in a down jacket, her parents felt that the groom's family conditions were not good, and then they never accepted it, if the reliable groom would convince the bride's parents with his own practical actions, instead of playing yin, "raw rice cooked mature rice" This is for his own selfishness, not for the happiness of both of you.

Whether a marriage will be happy, you can predict from the beginning, don't feel that what your parents say is unreasonable, they are people who come over, you have to listen to what you say.

The more stubborn, the easier it is to turn over, you know, too confident is equal to conceit, that is, to pretend to be stupid in their own love.

The philosopher Zhou Guoping said: "I think that two people are in love with each other, this kind of giving to each other, this passion for giving, hurting each other, you hurt him, he also hurts you, which is very important." Heartache for a person, this is a reliable sign of love, heartache is the most natural expression of feelings, is truly from the heart. In true love, it must be mutual pain. ”

The groom in the opening chapter has no heartache for the bride, so he will allow his mother to bully his bride. The person who truly loves you will not be superficial, and will not even give you a wedding dress. Just because you are pregnant and save the wedding dress, is this not saving everything in the future, do you think they will still consider that you care about you?

Before marriage, women must listen to persuasion and be sober about their love and marriage, rather than obsessing. Otherwise, once you are in the mire, it will be a disaster for you. Even if you can get a divorce in the end, it is a waste of your youth.

The bride who married in a down jacket was calculated, and if she did not listen to advice, she would only be unhappy, and her end was already doomed.

Today's topic: Do you think the girl who married in a down jacket will be happy? Welcome to leave a message.

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★ Author: YIBAO; emotional original author, writing about the warm emotional affairs of this world.

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