
Honey, do you know the side effect of being single for too long – get married, it's wonderful to be married

author:Hefei lovers blind date pastoral

Hefei Love Lovers Red Lady Lesson: Honey, do you know the side effects of being single for too long - get married, it's beautiful to get married!

What is it like to be single for too long? Until it seems to have become accustomed to a person's life... Until I forget what it's like to eat, watch a movie, and go shopping with two people? Until every night in a quiet environment, forgotten by the world.

Honey, do you know the side effect of being single for too long – get married, it's wonderful to be married

Being single for too long is indeed not a pleasant thing, and the negative impact it brings is still very large.

First: You find that all men have problems

Another bad effect of being single for too long is being overly picky. You find flaws in every man around you, when in fact most of your criticisms have little basis in reality. Even in men with good character, you can also nitpick: not enough tasteful dress, thick pores, do not like to watch entertainment news, save money...

Maybe you have the illusion that you are a senior critic. More likely, you're afraid to pursue the opposite sex and therefore use these pretentious pickiness as excuses.

Second: Shyness in front of the opposite sex

The best explanation for why you don't socialize with the opposite sex is that you don't know how to treat yourself in front of them. When you look at them and they find your gaze, you feel that you are not pleasing them, but repelling them. When you've just been with a member of the opposite sex for a while, you end up in a relationship with some outrageous practices, such as asking him to give you tight underwear on the third date (so that you forget the normal steps of the relationship's progression).

If that's not outrageous enough, you start treating your opposite sex harshly. In front of your friend, you direct him to direct, just to prove to others that you can control your boyfriend.

Third: People think you're gay

You never linger around men and don't show interest in them, so people think you have some other sexual orientation. You may have noticed that your best friend started going in and out with her gay cousin, and people always left you alone.

Don't be furious, don't try to ask for anything. Since you spend all your time with friends for fun instead of dating men, what else do you expect others to think?

Honey, do you know the side effect of being single for too long – get married, it's wonderful to be married

Fourth: Always think too much

Unfortunately, you live in the delusion that all men love you. Every ordinary interaction with the opposite sex is given a special meaning by you.

The waiter at the car restaurant handed you the burger and fries and said, "Have fun." What you hear is, "I want you now." "When the man in the elevator takes one more look at the rice dregs on your lips, you feel that it is a passionate gaze of soul exchange, and immediately begin to fantasize about the erotic scenes of the two in the closet.

Every friendly gesture and polite nod makes you feel loved, and it seems like you're winning every round. However, look at the trump card in your hand, it is nothing more than Zhang Xiao J.

Fifth: Indulge in love soap operas

Admit that your biggest entertainment is a love soap opera right. Fantasize that she is the female number one, with a perfect love ending.

It's time to adjust to your liking. When deceptive entertainment erodes all your leisure, its effects are dangerous.

Sixth: Men and women strongmen

Single for a long time, will become more and more independent, become strong women. All kinds of details of life have to be blocked by themselves. Over time, you begin to have a big grin like a man and become a man. That's enough to put anyone of the opposite sex off against you.

Seventh: Hope for science and technology

You give up on the idea of finding a real-life male as a partner, hoping that the world's developed science and technology can bring you one. You are interested in following every development in the field of bioengineering. In fact, have you already drawn a lot of blueprints on napkins?

You may be aware of this secret desire, but it is usually hidden in the subconscious. Be sure to change such thinking, it is unhealthy.

Honey, do you know the side effect of being single for too long – get married, it's wonderful to be married

Eighth: There is no opposite sex in life

Not only do you not have a date, you don't usually interact with the opposite sex, and you don't have a friend of the opposite sex. Male colleagues even avoid you, and friends stop talking to you about men, either feeling embarrassed or thinking you won't contribute to the topic.

If the only person you're exposed to is your father, then your status quo really needs to change.

Number Nine: Dating dumps you

This is most obvious, because you can't even remember what day Valentine's Day is. On the fourteenth of February, you are completely confused about the situation, why red roses suddenly flood the streets. Valentine's Day is the precise yardstick for verifying singleness, because on this day we need men the most. If you were still wearing a sophomore dress on Valentine's Day last time, you do need to thrash up romantic skills, and your single years are indeed too long.

Another manifestation of being abandoned by dating is using old romantic comedies as your dating inspiration. If people laugh when you use those tricks, you have a problem.

Tenth: Despair

Loneliness is terrible, despair is even worse. There are signs that despair is hovering in your mind like a giant mutant octopus. Wanting an e-mail mail order boyfriend is an extreme example. No matter how you think about it, it's not romantic at all.

There are, of course, other potential signs. Taking a sex doll as a companion is undoubtedly one. You should clearly realize that you can't go on like this anymore.

These signals imply that you have been single for too long.

Then hurry up and act: there is nothing difficult to fall in love, and it is natural to go on a blind date frankly.

Honey, do you know the side effect of being single for too long – get married, it's wonderful to be married

(Comprehensive editing according to the network.) If there is any impropriety, please correct)

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