
Near the New Year, the self-reports of these international students broke my guard...

author:Xiaoxi studied abroad

The Spring Festival is coming, and it is time for the Chinese family to reunite, but due to factors such as the circuit breaker of the epidemic flight and the strict isolation policy, many students studying abroad have no way to celebrate the New Year with their families.

Let's hear their voices.

Near the New Year, the self-reports of these international students broke my guard...

"I really want to go back to China."

"Mom, I may not be able to go back for the New Year this year...", this is the third year that I have not been able to go home and reunite with my family.

Although I have long expected that this year is still as lonely as last year, it is still getting more and more difficult with the Approaching Spring Festival. Seeing friends in the circle of friends going home one after another, partying, eating, playing together, and then looking at the empty rooms around them, I was really sad and about to suffocate.

On every recent phone call with my family, people were laughing and raising their glasses and saying, "Come and show us!" Then mom would turn the phone around and everyone would say "hi" to the camera, and every time such a scene made me feel overwhelmed and could only squeeze out a smiley face to say hello.

But I don't blame them for not understanding me. They have never been abroad, and the best they can think of is: they are not at home for the New Year. But they don't know that not going home and being abroad are two completely different concepts.

I really felt like a little tree, pulled out of the soil and put in a glass showcase. I shouted in the display case: I am so lonely, can someone accompany me? The family members stood at the side of the display case and said: Don't be afraid, aren't we all here? But I really wanted to be able to reach out to the branches and touch their leaves, even once.

No matter how fluent I can speak English abroad, how many clubs I have been admitted to, how many friends I hang out with, as long as I think of my home, think of the Spring Festival, I will cry like a collapsed and helpless woman, when this emotion will end, I don't know...

Near the New Year, the self-reports of these international students broke my guard...

"Suddenly the sun is up, I don't dare to tell my parents"

Yesterday, I did a routine test because I was about to start school, but I didn't expect that today's results came out. So far there has been no reaction, no cold, fever and runny nose, if it were not for the test, I did not even know that I would be infected...

I talk to my family every day, and now I am very anxious, although I want to talk to my parents, and I am afraid that if I say that I am yang, they will be more anxious. But wouldn't it be less sad to talk to them?

Near the New Year, the self-reports of these international students broke my guard...

I couldn't help but send "So tired mom" Mom cried

In the last semester of my senior year, I chose to go to another campus for an exchange, giving up the days that could have been spent comfortably, but considering that other exchange programs had been abandoned because of the epidemic, I did not want to miss this opportunity, so I decided to go.

While practicing while taking classes, still having to live in the dormitory, the risk of infection also increased, I thought that everything must be worth it, the early morning plane packed up the luggage for the night, and after rushing to the airport in a daze, it was delayed for two hours, and then the flight was canceled.

I really feel so tired, I obviously like a comfortable life, but I have been pushing myself because I want to chase my dreams, and now I just feel tired. I couldn't help but say "I'm so tired" to my mother, my mother cried, and I cried along with it, trying to say something comforting but I couldn't say anything.

Now I really don't know if my decisions are correct.

Near the New Year, the self-reports of these international students broke my guard...

Self-adjusting little tips

Many students have spent the past two years of study abroad life in the plus of covid-19, and they have not returned home for a long time, but this is also the life of many people. As the days go on, let's share a few tips that adjust to yourself in the face of too many negative emotions.

1. Get more sun and do exercise.

If it is inconvenient to go out, you can try to do yoga and meditation at home to completely empty your brain. The sighing part of meditation can make people feel that all bad emotions are discharged from the body, and the test is effective

2. Seek psychological counseling from the school

A lot of times people need to have a place to talk about pain, telling friends can be a burden on friends, and they are not very empathetic to your pain, so the best way is the school counseling department. Counselor, as a being who is familiar enough with you and doesn't affect your life, can solve this problem to some extent.

3. Develop your hobbies

Whether it's pets, food, star chasing, cp, watching movies, music, or even that! But hobbies are not about indulging in it, but about finding their own pace. Maybe these will not bring much gain in learning and working, but at least they can make our attitude towards life more positive and optimistic, and we can enjoy our lives more.

4. Persistence and feel that it is rare to die

Most of the anxiety of school comes from not knowing how to do it, delaying in doing it, watching the deadline getting closer and closer, and the anxiety increasing exponentially. The best way to deal with this type of anxiety is to do it.

"It's hard to think about, it's the answer to do it." No matter what method you use, find resources, ask for help, contact the school, actively communicate with the teacher, etc., as long as you take action, you can know more and more clearly what to do next, so as to alleviate anxiety.

With the advent of the Spring Festival, Xiaoxi hopes that all students studying abroad can adjust their mentality and have a safe and smooth new year. The road to study is not alone Study abroad related information & activities welcome private message to understand ~

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