
How effective is skin implantation contraception? Are there any side effects?

How effective is skin implantation contraception? Are there any side effects?

What is Skin Burial? How effective is contraception?

"Skin burial" is an abbreviation of a contraceptive method that achieves contraceptive effect through the implantation of subcutaneous implants.

Subcutaneous implants are a contraceptive that looks like an elastic plastic stick, about the size of a matchstick. It contains progesterone, which can be slowly released and absorbed subcutaneously into the body.

The advantages of subcutaneous implant contraception are mainly reflected in:

Low rates of contraceptive failure, with research data showing contraceptive efficacy of more than 99%;

Ease of use, without the need for frequent use of barrier contraception (such as condoms) or taking oral contraceptives;

It is a safe contraceptive, reversible and ready to be removed. 90% of women can resume ovulation within 3 to 4 weeks of removal.

The disadvantages of subcutaneous implant contraception are mainly reflected in:

There is a period of use, which needs to be replaced or removed at the expiration of the term;

Unlike condoms, sexually transmitted diseases cannot be prevented;

There are certain side effects and complications, as described below.

What are the possible side effects of subcutaneous implants?

1. A common side effect is irregular vaginal bleeding, which is disordered bleeding caused by the release of progesterone into the body. Symptomatic treatment is possible, but it is not guaranteed to be effective, and this bleeding does not necessarily improve over time. In case of severe irregular vaginal bleeding, it is necessary to stop and remove the implant.

2. Decreased menstruation, even amenorrhea. Menstrual abnormalities occur because of the hormonal effects in implants, menstrual reduction does not require special treatment, and if amenorrhea exceeds half a year, subcutaneous implants may be considered.

3. A small number of people may experience symptoms such as headache, weight gain, acne, breast tenderness, emotional instability and abdominal pain. Usually these symptoms improve and disappear after one year of leave. If you can't stand it, you need to remove the subcutaneous implant.

What are the possible complications when subcutaneous implants are implanted or removed?

Complications are very rare, occurring only 0.3% to 1% during implantation procedures and only 0.2% to 1.7% during removal procedures, including infection, hematoma, local irritation or rash, stick prolapse, and allergic reactions.

After these situations occur, go to the hospital in time to assess the situation. If the infection, hematoma, drug rash, allergy is not serious, antibiotics, hemostasis, anti-allergy and other symptomatic treatment can be carried out; if the situation is serious, local irritation is obviously intolerable, the medicine stick is out, and the implant should be removed.

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How effective is skin implantation contraception? Are there any side effects?

Lilac Doctor Health Encyclopedia team

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How effective is skin implantation contraception? Are there any side effects?

Weng Ruopeng Gynecology Attending Physician

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Image source: Lilac Doctor content team, Figureworm Creative

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