
A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

National Business Daily

2024-05-16 14:33Published on the official account of Sichuan Daily Economic News

According to Fujian TV's "First Gang", according to Fujian Fire Protection: At 0:32 on May 16, a fire broke out at a car sales and maintenance point at the high-speed exit of Lanpu, Qingkou Town, Minhou County, Fujian. The Fuzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment immediately dispatched two fire and rescue stations, 7 fire trucks, and 29 fire and rescue personnel to the scene. At 1:18, the fire was basically extinguished. The combustible substance was an electric vehicle parked in the exhibition hall, and there were no casualties.

A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

In addition, according to Jingzhou Daily's cold and warm video report, on May 16, a fire broke out in BYD Qingkou 4S store in Minhou County, Fuzhou, Fujian Province. After the incident, the local fire department quickly arrived at the scene to carry out rescue work. In this regard, the staff of the Minhou County Fire and Rescue Brigade said that no one was injured, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Shanggan town government officials said that the fire did occur in the BYD store, there were no casualties, and the fire had been extinguished.

According to reports, the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned, the hall was burned to the skeleton, and many cars outside the 4S store were seriously damaged.

A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

According to the Strait Metropolis Daily, on the morning of the 16th, the reporter came to the scene and saw that a cordon had been set up around the building where the fire started, and there were uniformed staff to prevent the onlookers from approaching.

A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

On the morning of the 16th, the reporter took a photo at the scene, picture source: Strait Metropolis Daily

"The fire was so big that the firefighters couldn't get close. And it is full of new energy vehicles, and the batteries are also on fire, which is not easy to extinguish. An eyewitness said.

According to people familiar with the matter, it is suspected that the fire was caused by a problem with the circuit on the top floor, "In the video, it is the roof that caught fire first, and it is likely to be a wiring problem, and the real cause depends on the judgment of the fire department." ”

It is understood that there are about 7 cars in the car dealership, which have been completely burned.

It is reported that the fire also caused damage to many private cars that were sent to the shop for repairs.

The staff said that the show car is insured, but the claims and repairs of the private car still need to be further negotiated with the owner. According to people familiar with the matter, the losses caused by the fire are about 4 million to 5 million yuan.

The reporter learned at the scene that after the fire, the Minhou County Fire and Rescue Brigade had closed the fire scene.

Editor|He Xiaotao, Du Hengfeng

Proofreading|Sun Zhicheng

The daily economic news integrates Fujian TV, Strait Metropolis Daily, cold and warm video

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  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down
  • A fire broke out in a BYD 4S store, and the cars in the exhibition hall were basically burned down

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