
I really didn't expect that Alibaba's public welfare has been done for so long! Today brush headlines, brush to a called "daily positive energy", click in a look, the content is all positive energy things across the country,

author:Teacher Wang commented

I really didn't expect that Alibaba's public welfare has been done for so long!

Today brush headlines, brush to a called "daily positive energy", click in to see, the content is all positive energy things across the country, such as picking up gold, such as seeing righteousness and courage. This daily positive energy is an activity launched by Ali very early on, spreading positive energy in society, and also giving positive energy a small reward, so that everyone can feel the beauty of society and human nature, and also let good people have good rewards.

I've heard of it before, but I didn't expect that even if not many people paid attention, Ali has been doing it for so long, and now he is still doing it every day, which really has to be praised!

I really didn't expect that Alibaba's public welfare has been done for so long! Today brush headlines, brush to a called "daily positive energy", click in a look, the content is all positive energy things across the country,

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