
Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

In the plot of "Happiness Duet", if the scene that touched women the most was Dong Boyu slapping his wife in the face: "If you continue to make trouble like this, we will divorce!" "That moment.

Many netizens seem to have a hard time imagining that Yuan Hong, who has been taking the route of a good man, has also staged a domestic violence drama.

The important thing is that after the fact, men have not half repented, feel that it is all the fault of their wives, they have worked hard to make money outside and lose their faces, and the women they marry not only cannot help, but also drag themselves back at key moments.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

Compared with those sensational film and television dramas, although it looks angry and heartbroken, it has to praise the screenwriter, which is really too close to reality and too understanding of women.

What exactly does marriage mean for women? This drama gives the most intuitive interpretation.

For those who say, "Do a good job, it is better to marry well", "Men are responsible for making money to support their families, women are responsible for beautiful flowers", Gu Xiaonan used the reality of her marriage to teach an education lesson for the majority of women, and she also unveiled how many women's scars and how many superficial scenery

Gu Xiaonan and Dong Boyu became a full-time wife after marriage, becoming the woman behind the husband, the division of labor between husband and wife is the male and female protagonists, the woman is responsible for family chores, the man is responsible for making money to provide a high-quality life, it is not an exaggeration to say that Gu Xiaonan is indeed a good type of marriage.

At the beginning of the plot, Gu Xiaonan is doing yoga, and she is a greenhouse flower silly white and sweet, dressing herself and her home beautifully every day, the core of life is a man, sending messages to her husband, the other party is just a perfunctory word like gold.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

She is out of touch with society, her thinking is too simple to be almost stupid, and the distinction between good and bad friends around her is that this person does not give her circle of friends alike, superficially caters to her female companion, but will chew her tongue behind her back to spread her privacy, and her husband, who can buy a bag to coax her, has never turned a blind eye to her efforts in the family, and feels very simple.

Women can't get attention at all by "doing", and your weight in men's hearts stems from the value that can be provided for the family

Seeing the touching short video section, Gu Xiaonan was moved to immediately follow suit, and also pretended to faint and lie on the ground to record the scene that moved herself, she was like a child, waiting for the attention and concern of adults, but when her husband returned home, he recognized the purpose at a glance and deliberately stepped on her hand to pierce this farce.

Women are aggrieved and feel that they are not loved and valued, and men are disgusted and think she is inferior, boring, and intellectually low.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

Gu Xiaonan constantly wanted to get the attention of men in the way of children running into trouble all the time, but a basin of cold water was poured on the top of his head.

Many people envy her not having to go to work and being able to live comfortably, but few people can really pay attention to this woman's loneliness and disrespectful inner world.

In addition to taking care of housework and taking care of her husband, at the same time she also has a responsibility, that is, "giving birth", but unfortunately, after years of efforts to see no fruit, she learned that her fallopian tubes were blocked, affecting fertility, and she needed surgery, and she could only take advantage of her husband's business trip to dare to rush to go through the procedures.

Common sense is that in the face of such a big thing as surgery, a woman naturally needs the companionship and care of men, but she is trembling and afraid of leaking the news, for the simple reason that men know that they cannot have children and are disliked.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

Women's works and efforts cannot be exchanged for men's attention, and a person's right to speak in the family and the capital of being respected stem from the actual value you can bring to the family.

A woman who does not work and has no income, goes out of the house to leave a man, even if she cannot handle a credit card of fifty thousand yuan, under such a big premise, how can she be put in the eyes of men, and how can she be afraid of your departure and unhappiness. Just like Gu Xiaonan was slapped and ran back to her mother's house, the man did not pay attention to it or was not anxious, because he was sure that as long as she stopped her consumption of the secondary card and there was no money, it would not take long to return to his side.

Seeing her husband's courier, after opening it is a full set of women's skin care products, she secretly secretly thought it was a surprise to herself, but unexpectedly it was a man who sent customers an emotional investment, saw his wife open and try it, very angry, in the face of men's reprimand, Gu Xiaonan replied with grievances, "I pay you a set is not it." ”

As a result, the man replied contemptuously: "Compensation, what do you take, it is not to spend my money!" ”

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

Therefore, the person who does not provide showable value for the home is nothing more than a pet that survives on his own for the other half, and all the love and gifts are just idle teasing, where there is respect and intention.

A slap on Gu Xiaonan's face made her reflect on her marriage and life, and she should also wake up how many of us who are still in the marriage relationship. Without economic ability, whether it is despised, humiliated or domestic violence, their dignity is held in the hands of the other party, they have no courage to leave, they have no right to appeal for themselves, even if they return to their mother's home, it is difficult to get the help and care you think.

So the bloody reality, no matter how good you are, no matter how affectionate a man is, in a marriage, without a job, without an income, and without listening to the family sponsor, you will be beaten.

The economic base not only affects the strength of the country and the differences in social classes, but also applies to most families. Economic status is one of the important factors that determine the status of the family. You can run back to your mother's house crying when you are angry, but you can't not go back to this home for the rest of your life.

If you can, girls must have their own house, because the place called "home" after marriage is only suitable for smooth cooperation and no problems, once the marriage changes, once there are contradictions and differences, they will be said, "You eat me, drink mine, live in me, why don't you obey" ending.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages

The same living room, the same sending messages asking lovers when to come home, the same tone and text, just waiting for the news of the person changed from wife to husband.

The reversal of the plot is rooted in the change in Gu Xiaonan's career, not simply the solid foundation of the husband and wife's feelings.

Laundry and cooking, tired waist pain, want to say a warm word is difficult, why? Because you don't make money to support your family, what's wrong with doing this job? Because this is a woman's job, how can it be so pretentious?

If the roles of husband and wife want to be exchanged, and they want to be recognized, considerate and respected, they do not rely on denunciation, nor on temper tantrums, but on the real transformation and survival skills. The root cause of their own low sense of value is that they want to take the initiative to contact you, send more words when replying to messages, and rely on the cost of losing your connection, not just the name of a wife.

Gu Xiaonan in "Happiness Duo" tore open the pseudo-decency in many women's marriages


Text/Relief Emotional Station

(Author: Xiao Yu, psychological counselor, focusing on the emotional field), good at the restoration of romantic relationships, marital contradictions and differences, and the healing of psychological trauma caused by the original ecological family. The lonely journey of life, listening to your grievances and pressures, helping visitors improve their skills in getting along with the sexes, saving their lovers, managing their feelings, and striving to become happier people.

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