
There is a kind of woman who doesn't have a single friend

Author: Number One Emotion

Original works, plagiarism must be investigated

Before marriage, a woman's life is often free and free, although it will also be restricted by her parents, but on the whole there is no constraint.

In addition to being able to live more comfortably, they are surrounded by many good friends, and no matter what they do, they don't need to think about others, as long as they are happy.

The most important thing is that women can also bravely pursue their dreams, without sacrificing and wronging themselves for anyone, if they can continue to go on like this, it seems that life will continue as good as ever.

But since marriage, the world of women has been in a lot of very different states, some women are still as free as ever, and some women are more like being bound, and it is completely unclear how they ended up in such a situation.

This kind of woman not only has no sense of enterprise, but even has no friend around her, there is no one to communicate and communicate, and even during the New Year's Festival, there is no one to come and go.

Is it normal for a woman to find herself with no last friend?

Of course not, if a woman makes a sacrifice for marriage, it is equivalent to not knowing how to cherish herself, then how can others cherish your existence.

There is a kind of woman who doesn't have a single friend

A woman lost in married life

A woman from childhood to adulthood, even after marriage, should have her own friends, even one or two girlfriends and confidants.

Even if you don't like socializing much, you will still meet friends with similar interests on the road of life, but why after entering marriage, even a friend is gone?

In fact, those married women who have no friends are nothing more than lost in their married life, and always feel that only by devoting themselves can they exchange for a happy and happy marriage.

However, the reality is very cruel, the more women who do not hesitate to lose themselves for the sake of married life, the easier it is to fall into the swamp of marriage, and will become more and more humble, and eventually sink into married life.

When a woman loses herself in marriage, she is naturally not in the mood to socialize again, and she is already very tired from being busy with the family every day, fortunately, she no longer maintains her former friends, and gradually the relationship between them will fade, and later she will even deliberately hide from her former friends.

There is a kind of woman who doesn't have a single friend

Unmotivated, very "mournful" woman all day

The reason why a woman has no friends, if it is not because of marriage, it must be that there is a problem with herself, so no one is willing to continue to interact with her.

As the saying goes, "those who are close to Zhu are red and close to ink are black", everyone is willing to become friends with people who are full of positive energy, and can have a positive impact on their own outlook on life, while those who have no self-motivation are in a state of "very sad" all day long, and naturally no one is willing to approach at that time.

A woman, whether before or after marriage, if there is no self-motivation, or a complaining and negative mentality about life, no one is willing to approach, even her partner will be disgusted, and in the end she will completely fall into a depressed situation.

Especially for married women, it is particularly easy to give up on themselves in marriage, and feel that they can completely rely on men to live, but the consequence of reality is that they are more and more lost, there are no friends around, and everything is getting worse and worse.

Therefore, no matter what kind of situation you are in, don't give up your expectations and expectations for life, only in this way will your life become more and more exciting, and there will naturally be more and more friends around you.

There is a kind of woman who doesn't have a single friend

A woman who is used to being alone

Women who are accustomed to being alone are no longer suitable for interacting with people, on the one hand, they are quite rejected in their hearts, and they do not know how to socialize.

Women who are accustomed to a person may even refuse marriage, because they are accustomed to living alone, so they have no heart to interact with people.

Moreover, being alone can sometimes make a person more independent, and with more time and energy to improve themselves, life becomes more fulfilling, and a person seems to be more relaxed than wasting time and energy on meaningless social interactions.

Someone comes to you, your heart is very rejected, and you are not willing to talk to the other party about your inner voice, and over time no one will look for you.

Of course, a person's life will make you more and more silent, and your personality will gradually become introverted, but if you feel particularly comfortable and yearn for such a life, everything is beautiful.

In this life, people themselves should live according to their own ideas, there is no need to care about the voices of others, as long as they are happy, they have not lived in vain, and life will not leave regrets.

There is a kind of woman who doesn't have a single friend

Write at the end

For women, never give up the expectation and yearning for life, even if they are married, they should also maintain an upward heart, do what they should do as always, maintain the pursuit of career and dreams, and live according to their inner thoughts.

In this life, everyone has many choices, but no matter which one, do not easily give up the opportunity to improve yourself, do not easily be suppressed by marriage, maintain an enterprising and upward heart, everything will become better and better.

Not making friends is not to say that it is not good, but to analyze according to oneself, choose the best way of life, and run your own life.

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