
Report on psychological research

Report on psychological research

Why report?

First, for subordinates, reporting is "looking for a father".

Before birth, the child lives in the mother's womb, which makes the child feel very safe.

The child was born, he left the womb, facing an unknown, uncertain world, I was insecure, so he had to look for security.

At this time, the appearance of the father and mother provides a new reliance for the child.

At this time, in the eyes of the child, the father becomes an all-powerful being.

Frank said: "As mentioned earlier, fathers become treasure troves of their parents' mighty powers. For for him, the Father knew everything, could do everything, created and knew everything. The Father is seen as a sacrosanct man, with supreme power, omniscience, eternal immortality, and omnipresence. Hence the self-centered nature. Because he was the son of his father, he always believed firmly in the center of his own world. Self-centered and thus father-centered. The child believes that his father is God, and thus arises a naïve feeling of the symbiosis of the world, an emotion of continuous consciousness. At this time, the child is not aware of the self, of his own subjectivity, of the difference between mind and body, of name and of things—his whole emotional attitude—from this sense of continuous participation, and so all the false systems he constructs about things are related to his consistent belief that the Father is God.

This phenomenon exists in some units. For example, in Ali, ma Yun said, subordinates believe unconditionally. Such an environment should be like a family. Ma Yun is the sacred "father", Ma Yun is called "Ma Dad", all subordinates are like the father's "children", the father is always right, the child always obeys the father's instructions.

In such an organization, subordinates get a sense of security from Ma Yun, which is like getting a sense of security from his father at home. It's even about getting a sense of security from your mother's womb.

Tencent, on the contrary, is said to like such subordinates:

Subordinate: Ma Zong, this is not right, it should be done...

Ma Huateng patted the table: Just do as you say.

The author found that from the Zhou, Qin, Han, and Tang dynasties, the capital was Chang'an in the Guanzhong Plain, and the Guanzhong generation had to be like a mother's womb, giving people a sense of security. As shown in the figure:

Report on psychological research

Therefore, there is a great deal of similarity between home and work.

Therefore, when a subordinate reports to his superiors, he actually turns to the "omnipotent father" and asks the father to give him "certainty" and "security.".

Report on psychological research

Second, the purpose of reporting is to "shirk responsibility".

Believing in a great father at home, all decisions made by a great father, has the advantage of "shirking responsibility": this matter is decided by the father, not by me, and has nothing to do with me.

Believing in the existence of a great father, there will be no awareness of the self, there is no space for self-existence, since there is no self, of course, I will not take responsibility, all the responsibilities can only be borne by the great father.

The same is true in the unit, since all things are made by the superior, naturally all the responsibility is borne by the superior: I reported this matter, I communicated, the superior thinks it is ok or not, and the procuratorate or the court thinks it is ok or not. Naturally, there is no responsibility for me.

Taking responsibility means having a strong self, and without a strong self, there is no burden of being able to take responsibility.

Ehrlich said pertinently that the judgment of liberty, like any freedom, is conservative; for freedom implies responsibility, and restraint passes on responsibility to others.

The author read this sentence and felt deafening! What a classic!

The so-called constraint is the control of the father at home and the institutional constraint in the unit.

At home, the father said, before you do this thing, you must tell me, when the father makes such a constraint, the responsibility for the success or failure of this thing is transferred to the father, if the father does not want to take responsibility, do not make such a constraint.

The same is true in the unit, if the unit makes a stipulation: before doing this thing, it must be reported to the superior, the subordinate must do it according to the regulations, the responsibility for the success or failure of this thing will be transferred to the superior, if the superior does not want to take responsibility, do not do such a provision.

If something is something that the child is free to make decisions about, they are responsible for themselves. The child is well aware of this, so he weighs it before deciding to do something, and once he makes his own decision, it means that the child has grown up, his ego is growing, and he is ready to take responsibility for himself.

The same is true in the unit.

The judicial reform carried out by the courts, "let the adjudicators hear, let the adjudicators adjudicate", is intended to make children grow up, decide freely, and take responsibility for themselves.

In Zhu Rongji's words: Be a good father and take good care of your son, don't push it to your grandfather.

Report on psychological research

Third, for the superior, the report is "to be a father".

At home, fathers are omnipotent.

In the unit, the superior is also like the father, omnipotent.

Therefore, the superior must meet the expectations of the subordinate: when the subordinate reports, the decision should be made in time to give the subordinate the certainty and sense of security expected.

If the superior cannot make a decision, or cannot make a decision in time, he is not a qualified "father".

Since according to the regulations, a certain matter is approved by the superior, the responsibility should be borne by the superior, at this time, the superior should have the courage to take responsibility, do not prevaricate.

It's like being at home.

Therefore, a good father should be able to make timely and accurate decisions and be able to provide his children with the sense of security and certainty that their children expect.

Moreover, take the initiative to take responsibility and shield the child from the wind and rain, just like the old hen protects the chick, rather than shirking the responsibility to the child.

The same is true in the unit.

Therefore, when the leader, should be able to make a decision in time, and have the courage to take responsibility.

Because anyone can shirk responsibility, only the leader cannot shirk responsibility.

Report on psychological research

Fourth, the scope of the report: the boundaries of the responsibilities of superiors and subordinates.

But, Frank says, as the child grows older, when one day the child discovers that his father is also a mortal who makes mistakes, the door of wisdom opens to him. With this amazing discovery, children begin to realize themselves. "As long as he believes his father's saying I don't know, he will never emerge." Once he recognizes his father's imperfections, he discovers the existence of a subjective self.

"If Dad can't know everything, what can I do?"

Edmund Goss said he found out his father was lying as a child. He describes the consequences:

First of all, I would never again think that my father knew everything or never made a mistake. He may know very little; if so, he may not know the very important fact that if you know nothing about it, then what you know does not matter. I watched as my mighty father fell from the altar to the mortal world. After that, I generally don't fully approve of his description of things. In this crisis, my primitive little head was attacked by various ideas, but the most strange thing was that I found a companion and confidant in myself. There is a secret in this world that belongs to me and to someone who lives in the same body as me. We talked to each other day and night. It's hard to give a definition of this initial impression, but one thing is for sure, it was in this duality that I suddenly became aware of my personality.

The child begins to have doubts about the father, indicating that this sense of self has grown.

This growth of self-consciousness is like the seventeenth and eighteenth century, the development of modern science in Europe, the doubts of the omnipresent Christ.

With the development of science, people's self-awareness has grown tremendously, and people believe in themselves and no longer believe in Christ. Thus, Nietzsche said: God is dead.

Since then, the child has made his own decision and no longer asks for help from his father.

At this point, the father may be very lost.

Once, my daughter bought a table online, assembled it herself, and put it at the head of the bed, and when I saw her work, I was a little disappointed.

The same is true in the unit, where superiors cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.

The task of the superior is to know people well and put the right people in the right positions. Full authorization is then made. This is the division of duties and boundaries between the two.

For example, the superior said: You will eat this. The subordinate can not eat this, as for how the subordinate eats the superior, it does not matter.

This is because, as far as eating is concerned, the subordinate is an expert in eating, and the superior is not necessarily better than the subordinate.

Ma Yun said that if you recruit an accountant, his accounting literacy is not as high as mine, what is the use of me recruiting him?

At this time, there is a division of labor between the superior and the subordinate, and the superior decides whether to eat or not to eat, and who will eat it. Subordinates decide how to eat and how to eat in accordance with the requirements.

In this way, both sides are motivated and held accountable within their respective scopes.

In the unit, the superior saw the subordinate independently and perfectly completed the work, and the superior may not be happy, but very disappointed, as if I saw my daughter herself install the table at the head of the bed.

The superior and the father in the family, who feel the same, suddenly find that they are not needed.

After Wang Shi stepped down as general manager, on Monday one day, he did not see anyone and asked where had everyone gone? He replied that they all went to the general manager for a meeting.

At this time, Wang Shi was very lost.

Some fathers or superiors will actively adjust their mentality, they will think: the child has grown up, this is a good thing. Or the subordinate can deal with the problem independently, indicating that he can be independent.

Report on psychological research

However, some fathers may interfere with their children if they can't think about it: Look at you, what kind of table you bought! Not good at all. And then he said, you see how good this looks and so on.

In the unit, some leaders may interfere with their subordinates if they can't think about it: What are you doing? Eat to stand and eat, so that you don't choke, in addition, when eating, use your right hand, don't use your left hand, and start to nitpick.

All the fuss is due to the child's or subordinate's sense of loss that he or she is not needed.

At this point, conflicts may arise between father and son, between superiors and subordinates:

The child will say: I just feel that this color looks good, I feel that this kind of table meets my requirements.

Subordinates will also say: I just need to eat this without losing the slag, I have my way of eating, why do you care so much?

Therefore, at home, the father has to face the fact that he is not omnipotent, and then let the child grow up and let him take responsibility for his own life.

In the unit, the superior must also have the courage to face the fact that he is not omnipotent, and then cultivate the ability of the subordinate to be independent.

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