
"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

Good evening, tonight is the second issue of the "Men's Observation Column", the first issue of the directions: "Men are simple, like you write on the face".

I have heard that some men will not share every girlfriend to the circle of friends, but will only send the most loved or the most beautiful one to the social platform, I have been very slow about this, until recently the two men in the circle of friends have both fallen in love with beautiful women.

It is really hearsay ten thousand times, it is better to see it with your own eyes, Ha, the change of beauty to a man's love state is really too top.

The two boys used to be basically the type of people who couldn't see people in the circle of friends, and the number of notes sent in a year could be counted with one hand. Now well, three starts a month, no other content, just send a girlfriend.

It is really a century of metaphysics, and falling in love with a beautiful woman can completely change a man's habits! What a mysterious power this is!

"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

Since it is a male observer, let's expand on these two men:

One is one that I once had a crush on, so I have always paid special attention to his emotional state, and this big brother has had several girlfriends before dating beautiful women, and one even broke through his longest relationship time.

But the highest treatment this long-term girlfriend finally received was that he sent a couple's outfit in the circle of friends and cut off his head upwards.

And the latest beautiful girlfriend took office in the first week, she got the opportunity to show her face in the circle of friends + reveal a screenshot of sweet chat history.

The other is my former colleague, who saw him at most three times a year in the circle of friends, and we worked together when my ex-girlfriend was still in office, he only sent the back of EX once, and he was coaxed by colleagues to "actually show grace and love".

And the beautiful new girlfriend took office for a month, he has become a regular in the circle of friends, during the period of love can see the photos/videos of his girlfriend every day, so that I now forget what he looks like, will not forget what his girlfriend looks like.

"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

There are many more examples of this, such as my best male friend, every time he is in love with me, I will curiously ask for pictures of girls, and this is the interesting one.

If the girl looks average, he will say, "Just the average person, there's nothing to see."

If the girl is very beautiful, eager to just chat two sentences, before opening her mouth to ask for photos, the photos have already flown along the network line, followed by a sentence "Good looking, right?" ”。 Whether you like to see it or not, as long as your girlfriend is beautiful, she can't help but press my head to show me!

Man, don't admit it! It is really not too much to say that "boys will only share the most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends", having a beautiful girlfriend, the desire to show everywhere is obviously improved!

Before not sent because "life is too trivial to send", with a beautiful woman around, the two people in the community to walk a corner can send a nine-square circle of friends; before you said "do not send you does not mean do not love you", now three circles of friends a day to send girlfriends, but also at the bottom of the reply to people "love you Oh".

Laughed and didn't want to mention it again.

"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

Out of curiosity, I also asked the straight men around me what they thought of this phenomenon, and the following are their answers, which are roughly divided into three categories: "Revenge on the Ex", "Want to Show Off", and "Share the Beauty":

- "Revenge on the Ex"

A: "Sometimes sending photos of [beautiful girlfriends] is not to show off, but to show ex-girlfriends/their friends to prove that they are not bad." 」 ”

B: "If the last paragraph was dumped, the good-looking incumbent will have a retaliatory mentality of "making the ex regret". ”

- "Want to Show Off"

C: "Whether a boy will send his girlfriend to the circle of friends is mainly to see if the other party can be his long-term partner, and there is also a level of increasing his social value, and I want everyone to envy my girlfriend. ”

D: "I want to show off that my girlfriend is good looking and loves me, or to prove that I am attractive." ”

- "Share the Good"

E: "In fact, don't everyone want to send the good things in life to the circle of friends to share, food, beautiful scenery, and beautiful girlfriends are also one of the beautiful things." ”

"Boys will only send their most beautiful girlfriends to the circle of friends"

Although I have long known that good looks are a pass, when I face its miraculous effect in love, I am still speechless. I also did not expect that the original intention was to observe men, but in the end it observed a realistic and cruel real love world.

The difference between men and women in love is really big, girls like a person when they want to be the world only stinky husband is the best, look ugly as long as you like him also think he is so cute I want to send it out.

And some boys show their love and love will actually weigh in their hearts which girlfriend is more faceless and more able to retaliate against the ex, which is really unexpected.

At this point, the second phase of male observation is over, I don't know how you feel when you see here, anyway, when I wrote it, my heart was swinging back and forth directly between emo and scolding street. As for you who are reading the article, whether you feel empathy or not, I hope you can sit in the comment area and talk calmly.

I hope you can find some love inspiration in this new series, and the next issue of male observation goodbye.

Head image / Arren Aaren

Illustration / "The New Life of Kai"

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