
Women in the blind date market are 8 times higher for men: women's willingness to marry is significantly higher than that of men

Zhuang Di Xiaomeng / Seeing the essence through the story

An original emotion number that deserves your attention

Illustration/from the web

Women in the blind date market are 8 times higher for men: women's willingness to marry is significantly higher than that of men

The internet is a magical place.

It is the carrier of information and the spiritual sustenance of many people.

A person who has a bad life in real life can find comfort through the Internet, and a person who has gone all the way to the west can also say that he has been driving east.

In short, the Internet is an illusory place.

It brings convenience to everyone, but there is also a strong deception, so for some remarks on the Internet, it is good to look at it, and there is no need to take it seriously.

For example, "Today's young people don't want to get married." ”

"Girls buy their own houses and cars, don't want to get married, and men are still struggling with tens of thousands of dollars in dowries."

"Girls are less and less likely to get married, don't want to take care of other people's parents, wash and cook for others."

These are all very common comments on the Internet, but how many are true?

In life, I have never seen young people who do not want to get married

We often see statements on the Internet about young people not wanting to get married, and it is really easy to take it seriously.

But looking back at life, it is a completely opposite case.

There is no one in life who does not want to get married, whether it is a man or a woman, they are trying to find the other half.

It's just about finding a partner, and it's not possible to act exactly according to a person's wishes.

Some people have gone on blind dates dozens of times, but in the end they still haven't found them.

Because of the long-term failure and the difficulty of finding a partner, they are very faceless, and in the case of unmarried age, they can only say that they have no intention of marriage.

But as long as someone helps introduce them, they will still meet and hope to succeed.

This is the status quo and the reality.

95% of people in life are married, and there are only a few people who are single at an older age.

This is the real world, and as for the remarks on the Internet, they are just illusory ways of chatting.

Women have always longed for marriage

There are always people on the Internet who say that women now don't want to get married, and they all buy their own houses and cars.

In this way, it seems that contemporary women are really particularly independent and really don't want to step into the palace of marriage at all.

But that's not the case in real life.

First, there are only a few women who have a house and a car in their lives

As we all know, buying a house and a car is not an easy task, many boys have to complete this with the help of their parents, and even if they accumulate savings for two generations, they can only barely pay a down payment, let alone girls.

If it is an only child, there is still a glimmer of hope, but many girls have brothers in their families, which means that their parents will not help them buy a house.

In today's high housing prices, it is not an easy thing for a woman to buy a house completely on her own.

There are high-income women, and there are also highly educated women, but after all, they are very few, and the vast majority of women are ordinary people.

Not only do they have to rent a rental house, but they can't even return home when their brothers are married.

This is the real situation of most women, so they are eager to get married, no matter what, after marriage, there will always be a place for themselves.

Second, there are 8 times more women than men in the blind date market

On the Internet, it is said that women do not want to get married, but in real life, the situation is diametrically opposed.

You may wish to go to the blind date market to see, the ratio of men to women will be a headache.

In the blind date market, the ratio of men to women is 1:8, and a man can meet 8 women, which shows that there are far more women than men who go on blind dates.

If a woman really has no intention of marriage, naturally she will not run to the blind date, and the number of women in the blind date market is enough to prove that they really desire marriage.

Regarding marriage, women never have a gender advantage

Women in the blind date market are 8 times higher for men: women's willingness to marry is significantly higher than that of men

Many women have always felt that the proportion of men and women is imbalanced, men are tens of millions more than women, so there will be a large number of men who cannot step into the palace of marriage, in the contemporary society of more men and fewer women, women are relatively popular and can be picked at will.

In fact, this is nothing more than a self-righteous idea.

It is true that men have more than 30 million more men than women, but the extra men will not enter the marriage market at all.

Because of the lack of conditions, they are not even qualified for blind dates, so the number of men who go on blind dates is not large, and each of them meets the criteria for marriage.

If a man can run to a blind date, then his chances of success will not be too low, because having a house and a car is the standard for blind dates, coupled with the fact that there are more women and fewer men in the blind date market, it is not difficult for men to get married.

Therefore, women should not fantasize that they have a gender advantage, because this thing does not exist.

Whether it is a man or a woman, do more practical things and less obsessed with the unreal world

There are not many leftover men and women in Our country, but there are relatively few in various cities, you can observe the people around you, and only a very small number of people who have not married after the age of 30 have not been married.

In fact, they also want to step into the palace of marriage, but for various reasons, they are always noisy on the Internet, and even gender antagonism.

This is probably the most childish and ignorant thing a group of adults have ever done.

No matter what you say online, or what you say online, it will not change your life in the slightest, because reality is reality after all.

Women in the blind date market are 8 times higher for men: women's willingness to marry is significantly higher than that of men

Living in a world of nothingness, you can only get farther and farther away from reality.

Arguing with others on the Internet is childish and ridiculous.

As a middle-aged man in his 30s who has not yet started a family, he has already lost at the starting line, if he does not work hard and wastes time on the Internet, is it not even more absurd?

Whether it is a man or a woman, surf less on the Internet, even if you watch more positive things, rather than all day long men and women against each other, or even quarrel with each other.

This will only bring negative energy to your life and waste more time.

People over 30 should be rational, spend more time in real life, your life has the possibility of change.

Original author of the Zhuang Di Xiaomeng/Emotional Column

May your life be full of surprises, and may your happiness come as scheduled.

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