
What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Parents often have this question:

"What exactly do you teach in kindergarten?"

"Does the kindergarten teacher take the children to play every day?"

Actually kindergarten as

The first stop for children from family to society

The power of education cannot be ignored

And education here

It is to lay the foundation for a child's life

Today we will take a comprehensive look at it

Show everyone what kindergarten is teaching

Learn good habits


Good hygiene habits can ensure the health of children, children from the beginning of entering the kindergarten, the teacher will cultivate their hygiene habits such as washing hands before eating and after going to the toilet, brushing teeth, etc., so that the child's body is sticky and not sick.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Be polite

Understanding politeness is the first step in children's socialization, teachers will teach children to say hello when they see others, say sorry when they do something wrong, and let children learn the most basic social skills.

Not picky and not partial

Poor eating habits have a great impact on children's health. Kindergarten teachers will let children understand the dangers of picky eating, so as to help children correct this bad habit.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Go to bed early and get up early

Kindergartens require children to go to school on time, go to bed early and get up early, and have naps every day at noon, which is a guarantee of good health.

Older children also have to learn to put on and undress and make their own beds in kindergarten, which can cultivate their self-care ability, make them more confident, and have stronger hands-on ability.

Love sports

In kindergartens, there will be outdoor activity time every day, and there will be a variety of equipment and games in the kindergarten to develop children's athletic ability and cultivate their exercise habits.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Go to the toilet yourself

Kindergarten teachers will teach children to put on and undress, wipe their butts, flush toilets, etc., so that children can take full care of themselves when it comes to toileting.

Protect yourself

Teaching children to recognize safety signs is a very important teaching content in kindergartens, and it will also make children understand the basic traffic rules and know how to protect themselves.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Learn how to learn

Develop study habits

Good learning habits can benefit children for life, kindergartens guide and cultivate children's concentration, exploration, and cultivate children to develop good learning habits, laying a solid foundation for future growth.

Cultivate an interest in learning

Interest is the first motivation for learning. Different from cramming teaching, in order to stimulate children's interest in learning, kindergartens will create a variety of regional environments, combining knowledge, skills and games, environments, so that children, whether games or activities, are in the learning process.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Cultivate learning ability

Kindergartens are more respectful of allowing children to learn through their own exploration and discovery of the things around them, which can make children learn to think and explore. And the kindergarten will have the cultivation of children's early mathematical ability and artistic ability, which can exercise children's thinking and learning ability.

Develop your child's social skills

Learn to make friends

In kindergarten, children will live and learn with many children of the same age, and children can learn how to interact with other children and how to maintain friendship.

Learn to help others and be grateful

The teacher will guide and educate the child to help others, be grateful to others, and build a good character for the child from an early age.

Learn to resolve disputes

In kindergarten, disputes between children are inevitable, which is the best time for children to learn to deal with social problems, and the teacher will guide them to deal with them in the right way to help children correctly resolve conflicts with others.

What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

With the cooperation of the home, the child will be better

The cultivation of habits and abilities should be a coherent process, so if parents can let their children at home adhere to the good habits they have developed in kindergartens, the education of children is the effect of doing more with less.

Let your child go to bed early and get up early to eat less snacks

On weekends or holidays, most parents will let their children go to bed late and get up late, and snacks will be supplied more than usual, but this is not conducive to children developing a good schedule and dietary rules, and after the start of school, it is easy for children to have holiday syndrome.

Children's habits are developed for a long time, it is best not to be disrupted because of weekends or holidays, so that children can have good living habits and lay a healthy foundation for children for a lifetime.

Let the children do their own thing

In kindergarten, children have learned to do their own things, but back home, the love and heartache of parents, many children have lived a life of "eating to open their mouths and stretch out their hands".

It is recommended that after returning home, parents still let their children do what they can, which can not only cultivate their children's self-care ability, but also let children accumulate self-confidence.

Play the games learned in kindergarten with your child

Children in kindergarten learned new nursery rhymes and games, parents may wish to accompany them to sing, play, in order to enhance the parent-child relationship at the same time, but also to consolidate their learning results, but also let them feel happy in the process, increase interest in learning.

Speaking of this, perhaps you have a better understanding of what is taught in kindergarten, these seemingly "nothing to teach" activities, in fact, cover a deep and rich educational connotation.

The famous educator Montessori once said: "Education is to stimulate life, to enrich life, to help children survive with their own strength, and to help them develop this spirit." ”

Let the child truly experience every detail of the kindergarten day... ˉεˉ乀 is waiting for your arrival.

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