
"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

"Heart Residence" is online, just from the plot of the first few minutes, I am really distressed Feng Xiaoqin ——

Early in the morning, I went out to buy vegetables and bought breakfast, and when she bought everything and went home, after making breakfast, the family had not yet risen, and she was asked to call one by one.

For Feng Xiaoqin, a day's life begins with a "gyroscope" of busyness.

Go out to buy soybean milk fritters for the elderly, and go home to make sandwiches for the children. While cleaning up the children, while comforting the old lady with toothache, on the other hand, she had to deal with her husband's "brainless" three questions.

There is a saying in the hometown, called "losing the shovel to make the broom", for Feng Xiaoqin, this side of the shovel has not been lost, the broom has been stuffed into the hand.

Busy husband, busy child, busy father-in-law, but also busy father-in-law's mother, even across the screen, we can feel Feng Xiaoqin's exhaustion.

(On the other side, the eldest sister Gu Qingyu is full of "leisure and leisure", after doing yoga, eating breakfast, painting beautiful makeup and going out, as for housework and hygiene, there are nannies to take care of, she does not care at all.) Such a contrast is also too stark. )

The damn thing is that Feng Xiaoqin didn't start this life today, she has been like this for eight years.

Because she was at home full-time, busy with family chores, taking care of the elderly and children, and had no time to take care of herself, Feng Xiaoqin was dressed simply, a face, and she was full of haggardness.

Compared with the eldest sister Gu Qingyu of the same age, it is completely two different age groups, and when the two stand together, it seems that she is Gu Qingyu's elder.

I have not read the original work, but judging from the scenes of the first two episodes, Feng Xiaoqin has lived her life into this virtue, and her husband Gu Lei has some responsibilities.

"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

Screenshot of the TV series "Heart House"

Judging from the opening scene, Gu Lei's life ability is not a little worse, and what impressed me the most is Gu Lei's brainless three questions -

"Wife, where's the white plaid shirt my sister gave me?"

"Wife, where's my wallet?"

"Wife, where is my watch?"

Shirts are to be worn at any time, wallets are to be carried, watches are worn close to the body, if it were not for marrying Feng Xiaoqin, a virtuous daughter-in-law, I am really worried that this guy will not be able to live.

(Of course, according to our usual understanding, men's poor life ability is because women are too virtuous, and without Feng Xiaoqin, Gu Lei's life ability will become better or not necessarily.) )

"The head is above your neck, and I don't know where the brain is", although he is also a male, he still feels very reasonable when he hears Feng Xiaoqin's words about Gu Lei.

If it is just like this, this guy is still very unsophisticated in life.

In this big family, there are grandmothers, children, and sisters-in-law, but this guy did not lock the door when he went to the toilet, and when Feng Xixi was ready to go to the toilet, he found that his brother-in-law was crouching inside.

Of course, there are old people and children in the family, Feng Xiaoqin can't go to work, the pressure to support the family is basically on Gu Lei's body, Gu Lei is indeed very tired, so when he comes home after class and night school, he falls asleep at the subway station, I can understand it.

However, understanding is on the one hand, not accepting is the other, Gu Lei's ability to take care of himself in life is really unreliable.

Seeing Feng Xiaoqin like this, I can't help but understand why so many women would rather be involved at work than be a full-time wife at home.

"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

Gu Lei's unreliability is manifested in his lack of long-term planning for life.

Taking care of the family's life is nothing for Feng Xiaoqin, at most it is just a change of way of working, for him, the most important thing is the education of his children.

Although there is a school in the place where they live, the management of the school is really too out of tune, in order to let the children go to a good school, Feng Xiaoqin wants to buy a school district house.

After settling in the family's life, Gu Lei went to work at the unit, and Feng Xiaoqin looked around at the house.

(Weakly complaining, for a turtle like me who lives in the mountains, a sixty-square-meter house needs two and a half million, which really scares me.) )

In order to buy a house, Feng Xiaoqin arranged for Gu Lei to go to Gu Qingyu to borrow money, although he could not accept their behavior of borrowing money from Gu Qingyu, but from Gu Lei's performance, he did not attach much importance to this matter.

In order to achieve this goal, Feng Xiaoqin painstakingly thought about it, even when she saw how Gu Qingyu should open his mouth, she wrote him a note, Gu Lei felt that Feng Xiaoqin's words were too purposeful, but he couldn't think of a better statement.

From this detail, the two of them really have different frequencies, at least from the perspective of thinking about problems.

Later, we learned that when the child was born, Feng Xiaoqin thought about buying another apartment, but Gu Lei did not agree, and this matter was dragged down, and now when they want to buy a house, the house price has doubled several times.

How about the housing prices in the city, rural people like me may not have a direct feeling, but Gu Lei, who has been living in the city, does not have such a cognition, and somewhat do not understand.

To say that in hindsight, if Gu Lei's vision had been able to go a long way, their life would definitely be better than it is now.

"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

At that time, Gu Lei was already thirty-six years old, but at the age of thirty-six, he did not have much responsibility for thirty-six years old.

In order for Gu Lei to be able to raise his salary and make the family's economic pressure lighter, Feng Xiaoqin hopes that Gu Lei can pass the night school examination financial and accounting certificate and change to a better job.

However, Gu Lei, this guy, had long chosen to lie flat, and Feng Xiaoqin hoped that he would study well, but he ran to watch a movie.

If their family's economic conditions are good, Gu Lei's doing so, we can completely accept it, at most it is just to say that he is not doing his job, but the economic pressure at home is so great, he also chose to escape, somewhat irresponsible.

In "My Uncle Hule", there is such a passage, which I personally think is very reasonable -

"In the homes of rich people, eating and drinking alone is nothing more than stupidity and absurdity. Everyone laughed and giggled and called him a playboy. In a difficult family, if a person forces his parents to move the old book, he is a villain, a rogue, a scoundrel. ”

Although Gu Lei's approach is not a "villain", "rogue" and "rogue", as the head of the family, such an approach is indeed not worthy of his age.

Even if gender differences are not considered, Gu Qingyu can live comfortably, one is because people are capable and can earn more money, and the other is because she is not married now, and there is not so much burden.

Interestingly, Gu Lei memorized the note that Feng Xiaoqin gave him for a day, but when he really faced Gu Qingyu, he became dumb.

Ming Ming has been married for many years, but in Gu Lei's heart, he and his father and sister are a family, as for Feng Xiaoqin, she is always an outsider who needs to be wary.

When Gu Qingyu asked him if Feng Xiaoqin forced himself to borrow money from her, he immediately admitted it and pushed all the responsibility to Feng Xiaoqin's side, making Feng Xiaoqin not a person inside and out.

"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

"If you're going to buy a house, I'll lend you money no matter how much it is." Obviously, Gu Qingyu said everything about this, as long as he said that he was also willing to think about the child and approve of this matter, this matter would become.

To tell the truth, whether Gu Qingyu is willing to lend money to Feng Xiaoqin or not, I can accept it, after all, the money is earned by herself, borrowing is love, and not borrowing is her duty.

But Gu Lei's attitude really makes people angry, just like the bullet screen said, such a husband, early away early and safe. Because later, when Feng Xiaoqin asked her father-in-law to borrow money, Gu Shihong did not say anything, and Gu Lei immediately jumped out to oppose.

In the recently updated plot, Gu Shihong took out his pension money, helped them make up enough down payment, and bought a house.

Because he thought that Feng Xiaoqin was uneasy and kind, Gu Qingyu told Gu Lei that the real estate deed must have Gu Lei's name on it, and said that the family's money must also be counted.

(Of course, this matter is really not to blame Gu Qingyu for thinking more, after all, Feng Xixi has been living in their home, and Gu Lei's brain is indeed not as smart as Feng Xiaoqin.) )

Single-mindedly for the sake of the family, but was so wary, Feng Xiaoqin could no longer bear it, pulled up the suitcase to leave, Gu Lei chased out to block accidentally fell down the stairs, too much blood loss to rescue ineffective death.

Because of this incident, Feng Xiaoqin became the person who killed Gu Lei in the eyes of the Gu family.

I believe that as the heroine, in the follow-up story, Feng Xiaoqin can definitely make her life counterattack, but this counterattack begins with the loss of her husband.

To put it bluntly, if it were not for the marriage of an unreliable husband, Feng Xiaoqin's life might have been all the way up.

Perhaps, this is the real life.

"Heart Residence": How difficult it is to have an unreliable husband on the stall, just look at Feng Xiaoqin

(Originality is not easy, if there is a reprint, please indicate the source.) )

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