
Love Deal! On the wedding day of the bride, she smiled brightly after counting the expenses in front of everyone

"In the past life, the same boat was repaired, and in this life, the sleep was shared", the ancients described love so beautifully and movingly, believing that it is a hard-won fate for men and women to cultivate into husband and wife, and they need to cherish and love each other and go hand in hand.

In the eyes of the ancients, it was fate, but in the eyes of modern people, the love between men and women is a transaction that takes what they need, and in order to be stable and long-lasting, it needs to have enough economy as a support, otherwise you can only live a life alone.

Modern people's marriage is inseparable from a word of money, and for poor people, it is just a luxury, out of reach. Finding a partner will take family conditions very seriously, and if there is no certain economic strength, it will not follow you to suffer. The cost of getting married is also a big amount, which is really difficult for ordinary people to consume.

People are so realistic, everything is inseparable from money, even if you can find a person who is willing to marry you, when you get married, you will only consider what fees and fees to charge first, get it first and then settle it, just like a business.

After the bride got the change fee when a couple got married recently, she did not immediately call her parents, but slowly counted the money, counted twice to confirm that it was enough before a bright smile leaked out on her face, and then willingly shouted the word "parents" to the groom's parents!

Love Deal! On the wedding day of the bride, she smiled brightly after counting the expenses in front of everyone
Love Deal! On the wedding day of the bride, she smiled brightly after counting the expenses in front of everyone

The first impression after seeing it is that they do not understand whether they are getting married or making a deal! Or both! Maybe the two have a certain relationship, but when counting money, it is already very obvious that the meaning of money ranking first and feeling second is very clear, that is to say, if there is no economic love is worthless, the two will not enter the palace of marriage!

Therefore, marriage is a luxury for the poor, even if you have it, it will be lost quickly, and it is not far away if there is love without bread. So if you want a happy family like others, you have to pay more efforts, and marriage will naturally come after having a economy!

Love Deal! On the wedding day of the bride, she smiled brightly after counting the expenses in front of everyone
Love Deal! On the wedding day of the bride, she smiled brightly after counting the expenses in front of everyone

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