
Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Money is the most inseparable topic in our lives.

And, most women tend to have one more talent than men: they spend money.

I've seen people put women' money down to three ways:

Be greedy and buy something you don't use; spend money without thinking, buy something that isn't practical; use money to improve yourself and make yourself better.

It can be seen that it is easy to spend money, and it is really not easy to spend money well.

Therefore, for the same money, it is likely that men will spend it, and the more they spend it, the less money they have, and the more women are likely to spend it, the richer they are.

Only because, from the perspective of spending money, most of men's money will be spent on eating, drinking and having fun, just like from ancient times to the present, "rich but not three generations", most of the losers are men, and rarely women. Because most women, conceptually speaking, will be careful, will use money to dress themselves up, make themselves more beautiful, more attractive, and will leave a part to improve themselves.

So, a woman who will spend money is very attractive to men.

On the one hand, women who can spend money often live very delicately and planably; on the other hand, he will feel that such a woman, virtuous and able to run the family, not only makes him ashamed of himself, but also makes him restrain himself.

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Women who can spend money know better how to run a family

Love is inseparable from material things, and money is the basis of materials.

There is a lyric: Who comes from the mountains and the sea, but is confined to day and night, kitchen and love?

It can be seen that loving a person, no matter how romantic and boundless, how much the sea oath mountain alliance, how much spending before and after the moon, the final destination, is chai rice oil and salt, eating and drinking Lasa, are ordinary days of fireworks, are a penny, a penny of calculation.

Therefore, only when there is money in the family can life be happy; if there is no money in the family, there is only the misery of the poor couple Pepsi.

And a hostess who will spend money, most of them will plan the money well, plan well, she will have an account in her heart, and she will also have an account book in her hand, recording the cost of each month, how much is used for consumption, how much is used for storage, and how much is used for financial management.

Every new dress of the family, a meter and a side in the kitchen, gifts for the New Year's Festival, all kinds of gifts for weddings and funerals... She will sort out every account.

The clearer the days, the more sober they are, the better.

Those men can't erase the "shop around", she will come forward to settle, those details of the purchase that men can't think of, she will pick up clearly...

Women's ability to spend money will make men feel extremely at ease, and they will feel that they have married a very thoughtful helper.

Perhaps, he will be eager to meet a woman who can make him willing to spend money for her, but when he once had a woman who would spend money, no matter how much he met a woman who wanted to spend money for her, he would miss the person who "would spend money".

Because, a woman who can spend money, understands life, loves life, will live, and the happier she is.

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Women who can spend money have a good plan for life

A woman who can spend money will not only have a good plan for money, but also a good plan for herself.

She will spend money, and she will make more money.

For example, you will find that the richer the woman, the more delicately dressed herself, rarely slacking off.

Only because, in their hearts, there is a string, that is, anytime, anywhere, to improve themselves, do not rely on men.

They will learn all kinds of skills, read and dance yoga, make themselves always beautiful like eighteen-year-old girls, after marriage, they will also educate their children very well, spend money on the blade, let personal growth, quality of life and family education, go hand in hand.

Only because, a woman who attaches great importance to money, her perspective on the problem, has always allowed herself to both earn and spend.

As the saying goes, men make money and women spend money.

However, most of the time, if a woman spends money, she spends it on coveting vanity, which will only make men look down more and more, and even some women themselves are housewives, without the slightest income, spend a point, want a point, and see the man's face, this situation will only make them more and more passive, more and more will be eliminated by marriage.

Su Cen once said: Money is something that only a woman who can earn and spend is blessed.

Indeed it is.

It will only spend, it will not earn, and most of the time you will spend it comfortably.

Those women who can earn and spend, in the feelings, most of them also have some careful opportunities, they will continue to improve themselves, let their horizons become more and more open, let their lives become more and more rich, let their love more and more fresh, but also let men, more and more chasing after themselves.

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Women who can spend money have the right view of consumption

In fact, in life, most traditional men are worried about women spending their own money.

Writer Li Xiaoyi once mentioned that men who are afraid of women spending money have three main reasons:

First, he advocates frugality, so it will also restrict your consumption;

Second, he is not afraid of you spending money, but he is afraid that you will overdraft his spending power, and he is worried that he is not so capable of raising you;

Third, he's really stingy.

Therefore, in the face of these three kinds of men, for the first one, if your consumption concept is not consistent, it is mostly difficult to go on. Just like you like the elegant environment of Western food, but he hates eating that thing to waste money, or the small fly restaurant is more practical, this situation, even if you love each other again, secrete more dopamine, after marriage, when you become a marriage community, even if you spend the money you earn to eat Western food, he will feel that you are wasting his money, and your marriage will be very difficult;

For the second type, unless you are also very rich, and you are very planned for money and will live a life, you will live a very tired life;

And, for the third, the world is so big, why do you have to hang yourself in front of a stingy man on a tree?

Love, what is needed is honesty, but also the common efforts of each other, what is needed is the truth, is the two people together to put the ups and downs of life, live a quiet and good taste.

Therefore, the more women have the correct concept of consumption, the more they will attract men's care.

When it should be spent, when it should not be spent, a woman who is not vain and does not cut the door, for men, he will think that you are very sensible, very caring, very concerned about him, will feel that he has met a right person, and naturally will redouble his hard work to give back to your love.

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you


In "Maggie's Gift", there is a small couple, at Christmas time, in order to give gifts to each other, the wife sold her beautiful hair, bought a strap for her husband, and the husband sold his watch and sold his wife a beautiful comb.

It can be seen that true love, from the perspective of money, is the catalyst of feelings, and people who love each other will always want to pay for each other.

But in life, there are always women, in order to save money, live without trimming, even if she saves money, but still let men want to escape;

There are also women, even if they don't make much money, but they know how to improve themselves at any time, and they plan to spend money, and they will make men want to cherish it, so that men want to spend money for her.

Smart women, while knowing how to love others, are more willing to invest in themselves, and will consider it from the perspective of men, so that he can see the beauty of his "spending money", let him get more love, and make the little life happier.

So, a woman's appearance is the books she has read, the people she has loved, the roads she has traveled... Presentation of everything.

And where a woman spends money hides the world she has seen, the detours she has taken, and the unjust money she has spent... Everything is her current pattern and outlook on life.

The woman that a man truly loves is not only a woman's appearance, but also her interesting soul attracts him.

A woman who "spends money" is her most perfect inner performance.

For the rest of her life, may every woman live her best, have money to spend, and have someone to love.

Two people together, the more you "will spend money", the more men can not live without you

Author, Frank Fox

Figure, network

May you find in my words the ordinary years, a strong affection! Thanks for your attention!

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