
"Mom, can I spend my own money?" Smart parents answered

Source: Petite Mom

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's wake up to you, don't send red envelopes to Xuan Xuan this New Year!"

Recently, this child has spent a lot of money, and if he has the money, he will definitely spend it all at once.

Especially our father and mother, I know your intentions, thank you for your cooperation! ”

My cousin suddenly posted this passage in the family WeChat group. Everyone was curious and asked Xuan Xuan what good things he had done recently.

"Recently Xuan Xuan was fascinated by Lego, just bought a few sets, and now wants to buy them again." If he doesn't give him money, he says he'll buy it when he gets his own money! Keep him money going nowhere! The cousin said helplessly.

Xuan Xuan is the "group favorite" of the family, and when it comes to the New Year, the amount of money received is as little as one or two hundred, and more than a thousand.

No wonder her cousin was so worried, she was afraid that Xuan Xuan had a large amount of money, and it was even more unrestrained to spend it.

Like cousins, there are not a few parents who are worried about their children spending money indiscriminately, especially every New Year, the seven aunts and eight uncles have a rain of red envelopes, and the children suddenly withdraw huge sums of money.

Parents are afraid that their children will spend money carelessly and want to help their children keep it, but the children are not happy,

People say that the money is given to them, and what does the parents care about, but it is completely handed over to the children, and the parents are not at ease.

As a parent, how to guide your children to manage their own pressure money?

As a parent, do you talk to your children about money?

Parents talk about "money" discoloration, do not dare to discuss money with their children, that is, they are afraid of talking too much and their children learn badly.

In fact, without talking about "money" with children, children are more likely to learn badly.

A child in Sichuan, he wanted a smart phone, but ended up with a cheap old-age machine.

Dissatisfied, he took advantage of the fact that his family did not pay attention to his grandfather's 20,000 yuan of medical treatment money, bought 4 mobile phones in one go, and also sent one to his classmates as a "sealing fee".

"Mom, can I spend my own money?" Smart parents answered

When the mother found him, she found that the money was almost spent, and the child did not take it seriously.

Mom was in pain and regretted it.

The child could not understand that these red bills could save Grandpa's life.

If you don't understand the meaning of money, you naturally don't care.

If at the beginning, parents and children clearly said that they bought the "old man's machine" because there was no money in the family, and the 20,000 yuan was to save Grandpa's life, maybe it was not such an ending.

Not talking about money is not to protect children from the evil of pursuing material things, but to actively give up the possibility of letting children know the real world.

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" wrote: "Children who have no sense of money from a young age will encounter four problems when they grow up: there is no awareness of controlled consumption, a sense of demand ranking, a sense of investment, and a sense of danger. ”

A child who has no concept of money does not know what it means to buy a smartphone for a few thousand yuan, pay a lot of money to the anchor, and empty his parents' shopping cart.

Because no one teaches, he doesn't understand, because he doesn't understand, so he squanders at will.

Writer Robert Qingqi said: "If you can't teach your children about money in time, then someone else will replace you in the future." For example, creditors, police, and even scammers. ”

Instead of avoiding talking about it, it is better to frankly tell children the source and meaning of money, so that they can correctly cultivate their children's concept of money and enjoy life better.

Children who have no money are raised poorly

Knowingly, some netizens shared their experience of poverty.

She said that since she was a child, her parents would not give her money casually, and she was often asked to wear her sister's old clothes.

Inferior to herself, she feels that she is very poor and unworthy of good things, and she does not fit in with the group, does not like to talk, and does not like to laugh in front of her classmates.

When she grew up and met someone she liked, she obviously spent a lot of money to buy gifts for each other, but she never dared to give them out, because she was afraid that the other party would dislike her.

And she lives a very contradictory life, obviously minding others but to show disapproval, even the pursuit of her own happiness does not feel that it should not be, she is not good enough.

Children who are poorly raised have a great sense of lack in their hearts.

The consciousness of poverty is rooted in the depths of his heart, and whether he grows up with rich material conditions or not, it is difficult for him to change his self-perception of "poor acid".

Psychologist Li Zixun: Whether a child can grow faster and better than other children depends on whether he has desire for the outside world, and desire is the driving force for a person's growth.

Desire for the world is the driving force for a person's growth, as is desire for matter.

Colleague Xiaolan is smart and kind in the eyes of many people, and has many admirable shining points.

However, she was very "unenterprising", and the leader tried to promote her several times and she refused.

From childhood to adulthood, she was "poor" used to. Gradually, she felt that "poor" was taken for granted, and she should not have too many unrealistic fantasies. As for promotions and raises, she couldn't stand any of them.

Poor children carry heavy pressure early on, and always feel inferior to others.

Even if you have money, your heart is still "destitute" and you can't live a truly abundant life.

Spending money without blinking is a kind of "pseudo-richness"

Some parents, firmly believing that "nothing can be bitter about their children", always try their best to meet their children's material needs.

As a result, things must be reversed.

A 9-year-old girl named Lil Tay in the United States recently caused a hot discussion on the Internet.

In the live broadcast, she showed her luxurious life to netizens, holding a large number of banknotes to exaggerate her wealth.

"Mom, can I spend my own money?" Smart parents answered

Not only that, but she often mocked the poor, saying, "My drinks are more expensive than your college tuition." ”

Raised by "rich", although she has unattainable wealth, no one envies her, because all this is too vulgar to endure.

They have great wealth freedom, but they ignore the truth that "the more they are not limited by money, the easier it is for life to get out of control."

There are also some parents, who obviously have poor economic conditions, but hold the idea of being poor and cannot be poor to "raise" their children, preferring to cut down on their own clothes and food, but also want their children to live a bright and beautiful life.

I once watched a video of a black mother taking her three children to the mall to shop.

Mom looks very poor, but the children are added one by one.

When passing by a brand-name store, the child asked his mother to buy clothes, but his mother had money and had to refuse.

As a result, the child became angry and scolded his mother on the street, and his mother cried bitterly on the spot.

Seeing such a picture, it is really painful.

This mother, digging out her heart and lungs, gave the best to her child, but unexpectedly raised a group of white-eyed wolves.

Material enrichment is a kind of "pseudo-enrichment".

Children spend money without restraint and principle, and one day parents and children will taste the bitter fruit.

Children who know how to spend money are good stewards of life

The author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" said: "As long as children are interested in money at the beginning, it is time to teach them to manage money." ”

Money is not a beast, parental guidance is very important, the following methods can help children learn to plan and manage money.

1. Prepare ledgers and bank cards to encourage children to "save money"

In foreign countries, many parents like to give their underage children a ledger and a bank card, so that their children can manage their own money.

Even if there is pressure on the old money, parents let the children save it, rather than making a claim to "take it for themselves".

The act of saving money, done by the child, allows him to have a sense of participation and understand the meaning of saving.

In fact, children, like adults, also have material desires. Face it squarely and guide it reasonably, so that children can form a correct understanding of money.

The author of "The Most Self-Conscious Child" said: If a child has a sense of abundance in his heart, he will have more happiness and security.

2. Establish a rational view of consumption

Some people have worried that today's children can't see cash payments, only know that they can buy what they want in the past by handing over a mobile phone, which has a very bad impact on their consumption concept.

What is obtained is too easy, and the child does not know how to cherish it.

In the usual consumption activities, parents can let their children accompany them and see for themselves how the actual business is carried out.

Make a shopping list in advance so that he knows the difference between "need" and "want". At the same time, at the same time, let the children compare the price tags of the goods and understand the price difference between the goods.

All this is to let the child understand that buying something needs to be carefully considered, not to buy what you want.

3. Let your child have a pleasant experience with money

8-year-old Shi Zhiru, at a young age, starred in many dramas and accumulated a lot of income.

Two years ago, she began using her "salary" to support poor college students, left-behind children and widows and the elderly.

"Mom, can I spend my own money?" Smart parents answered

Although her family conditions are not rich, it seems to her to use money to help others, and she is very meaningful and satisfied.

Oscar Wilde said: The best way to make children behave well is to make them happy.

Guide your child to use money for things that are useful to himself and to others, and he will understand that money can make his life more meaningful.

How a child spends his own money seems to be related to managing money, but it is actually a major event that affects the child's life.

"Rich, not as expensive as you think" said: "It is not rich or poor, but the parents' attitude towards money that directly determines whether the child can be prosperous in the future." ”

Talking about money with your child can help your child establish the correct three views.

Forward-thinking parents know how to "talk about money" with their children.

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