
Henan man wore a suit bouquet to welcome his caesarean section wife out of the delivery room, and his wife laughed and cried

Recently, a video of a man in Henan wearing a suit holding flowers and crying to greet his wife after the caesarean section operation touched many netizens, and many netizens shared their experiences at the bottom, "When I had a caesarean section, my family had been waiting outside and crying. ”

On February 13, the Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter contacted the party Mr. Wu, who told the reporter, "Before we discussed it in advance, she entered the delivery room, and I wore a suit and flowers to greet her." When she came out, she smiled at me, and the stone in her heart was put down, and the tears fell down uncontrollably. ”

Henan man wore a suit bouquet to welcome his caesarean section wife out of the delivery room, and his wife laughed and cried

Mr. Wu is a post-95, Henan Shangqiu native, fell in love with his wife in 2018 and married in 2021. "At that time, my daughter-in-law was five or six months pregnant, I proposed, I wore a suit with flowers to the delivery room to greet, just last year's wedding suit is still there, I used that set." After all, it is the first time to see a child, and the board to be worn is straight. ”

Henan man wore a suit bouquet to welcome his caesarean section wife out of the delivery room, and his wife laughed and cried

The wife's due date is February 15, "February 1 at noon the hospital called, to check the fetus regularly, I did not go, her mother and her sister-in-law accompanied." As a result, an examination found that the amniotic fluid was mixed and he was immediately hospitalized. We went to the hospital, did the examination before and after, and in less than half an hour, we were directly pulled into the operating room. At that time, so fast, without mental preparation, we were both in a state of confusion. ”

Henan man wore a suit bouquet to welcome his caesarean section wife out of the delivery room, and his wife laughed and cried

At about 5 p.m. on the 10th, in the nurse's station, I learned that I needed to sign the operation order, "I was a little panicked in my heart, writing what risks there are, afraid of any accidents." I also asked the doctor if I could accompany the delivery, and the doctor said that the family would not let me in, and I could only wait outside after signing. Mr. Wu remembered his previous agreement with his wife, and after her wife went in for surgery, he immediately returned home, put on the suit he got married last year, and brought flowers ordered online. Back to the hospital to park the car, found that it was more congested, Mr. Wu hurriedly got out of the car, "Running upstairs, I am afraid that the child has been born, I want to be the first to hold the child." After waiting outside the operating room for ten minutes, the child came out, "I hugged, I hugged my parents, just waited, because the daughter-in-law has not yet come out." "Mr. Wu wore a suit and waited anxiously with flowers for more than half an hour," I saw the doctor push her out of the operating room, she smiled and came out, I thought it was all right, the stone in my heart was put down, I saw her and couldn't hold back, I just cried. The two of us were, she looked at me and cried and she cried, and we both looked at each other, and she said that it was right to marry me, and she was very excited when she heard this. ”

Henan man wore a suit bouquet to welcome his caesarean section wife out of the delivery room, and his wife laughed and cried

Now every day Mr. Wu accompanies his wife and daughter in the hospital from morning to night, "going to the hospital at 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning, waiting until she falls asleep, and going home at 4 o'clock in the morning." Tomorrow they can go home without being hospitalized. After Mr. Wu wore a suit with flowers and greeted his daughter-in-law with tears, it caused netizens to discuss, some netizens said, "I really love my daughter-in-law", and some netizens said ridicule, "They are all other people's, envious." ”

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhang Qin intern Liu Youming

Source: Xiaoxiang Morning Post Penguin

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