
Knight Gawain had to marry a witch in order to save the life of his best friend King Arthur. The witch was extremely ugly, hunched over, with only one tooth, and was often bubbling all over her body


Knight Gawain had to marry a witch in order to save the life of his best friend King Arthur.

The witch was extremely ugly, hunched over, with only one tooth, and often had an unpleasant odor all over her body.

On the day of the wedding, after the sun set, Gao Wen plucked up the courage to enter the cave room, and after entering the bedroom, found that the witch had become a most beautiful woman sitting on a brocade mattress.

He was taken aback and asked the witch what was going on.

The witch replied, "Since you have agreed to marry me and treat me well, I will let you see the best side of a woman." I was a terrible witch half the time and a beautiful woman in the other half. ”

"Then I ask you, do you want me to show this best side during the day or at night?"

It's a cruel choice.

During the day, Gawain wants to be with his friends, and if he lets his wife show her fairy-like beauty, it is good, but at night he will have to stay with the witch like the devil, which will make him panic all night. And vice versa.

But Gao Wen was a noble man who knew how to respect others, and he said to the witch, "Love your wife, choose your own, no matter what kind of appearance you appear in day and night, I respect it."

Hearing this, the witch smiled, and smiled very brightly, and she said, "I will be on the good side all the time, because you respect me and let me take charge of my own destiny."


When couples get along, the first issue is respect.

Men and women, like the wings of a bird, cannot fly as long as one cannot spread its wings.

Only by knowing how to respect the wife's husband is the wife willing to show the best side to him, and at the same time, it can make the family harmonious and the husband and wife love. Only in this kind of family can the husband and wife form a joint force, and the family can step by step towards happiness and satisfaction.

Home and wanshixing, that's what it says.

But in real life, there are also many men who do not know how to respect their wives, and they are eager to call their wives and go away, so that beautiful women have become resentful women, and the family can not be peaceful all day long.

What happiness is there for such a chicken and dog restless family? Not to mention prosperity.

Husbands who disrespect their wives' macho ideas, wake up.

Knight Gawain had to marry a witch in order to save the life of his best friend King Arthur. The witch was extremely ugly, hunched over, with only one tooth, and was often bubbling all over her body
Knight Gawain had to marry a witch in order to save the life of his best friend King Arthur. The witch was extremely ugly, hunched over, with only one tooth, and was often bubbling all over her body
Knight Gawain had to marry a witch in order to save the life of his best friend King Arthur. The witch was extremely ugly, hunched over, with only one tooth, and was often bubbling all over her body

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