
When we talk about marriage, what exactly are we talking about?

When we talk about marriage, what exactly are we talking about?

The people who are still deeply in love are worth redeeming

When the seven aunts and eight aunts are muttering in your ears to urge marriage, what are they urging? Have you thought about it?

When we talk about marriage, what exactly are we talking about?

According to the traditional concept of the elderly, when the child reaches the age, he must get married, just like when the persimmon is ripe, he must be plucked.

But after all, people are not as simple as a certain variety of fruit, and when they are old, it does not mean that they are really ripe.

And a happy marriage is not supported by age, but by mental maturity.

On the other hand, in our lives, the logic of many people getting married is like this, meeting a person they like, and then two people get married with expectations, thinking that after marriage, two people can be happily together forever.

However, after getting married, I know that I have no good relationship with myself in life, and when I am brought into marriage, the problem will be magnified countless times.

Then wait until the hormones of love fade, leaving only all kinds of dislikes.

When this shell of marriage can no longer withstand the beating of real-life problems, marriage can easily break down.

This is because they ignore that marriage is not just about having love, but about the ability to love.

In this way, the combination of two people is just a companion game on the road of life, full of fun, no matter what problems are encountered on the road, they can support each other and move forward together, so that such feelings can go long.

When we talk about marriage, what exactly are we talking about?

I've heard a story like this:

Luo Yonghao, the founder of Hammer Technology, once said at the age of thirty that he did not want to get married. But when he met an old man at the beach who had just recovered from a serious illness, he changed his mind.

The old man told him that living to his age, he understood that in marriage, money, power, and everything external are illusory, and when you are sick, the person who can get up and pour you a glass of water in the middle of the night is real, which is what young people should know, the meaning of marriage.

So, what is it about getting married?

It should be two independent people, walking together and supporting each other in times of difficulty. Growing up together in a long time is the essence of marriage.

If, you haven't entered the temple of marriage yet, don't be afraid, what you need is to learn the ability to love and then get a happy marriage, not to resist marriage itself.

If, you have entered the marriage and found that there are various problems in the marriage, there is no need for anxiety, and it is not too late to learn the ability to love, and the earliest time is now.

If you want to get a happy marriage, you must first understand what marriage is, and then how to get happiness, you may wish to talk to our teachers about it

When we talk about marriage, what exactly are we talking about?

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