
In fact, there is only one kind of woman who is willing to let men spend money

In fact, there is only one kind of woman who is willing to let men spend money

When two people get along, there will always be quarrels because of money, and women feel that you are not willing to spend money for me, that is, you don't love me enough, if you really love me, how can you be so "slamming the door"?

Although there are some absolutes, but think about it carefully, if you really love someone, he will be willing to spend money for her, and is willing, and for those who do not love so much, even if they spend money on her, they will hesitate for a long time, weigh the pros and cons before deciding that this money is not worth spending.

As the saying goes: "A man who is willing to spend money for you doesn't necessarily love you much, but a man who doesn't want to spend money for you really doesn't love you." ”

It turns out that this is also the case, whether a man really loves you, depending on whether he is willing to spend money for you, and the woman who can make a man spend money, there is only this: the person he really loves.

In fact, there is only one kind of woman who is willing to let men spend money


Men "cut the door" just because they don't love enough

Women don't like men who "cut the door", think that such a man is too stingy, even after marriage will not be happy, she thinks that this man is not willing to spend money for her, that is, the door is cut, stingy, the same for everyone, but in fact, it is not so.

If you see him getting along with others, generously giving gifts, and inviting her to eat expensive things, you will find that where is the door, it is clear that there is not enough love.

Wang Wei has experienced this kind of thing, she often feels that the ex is very picky, no matter what she wants to buy, he will always persuade her to think more and then decide, or unwilling to spend money directly for her, for which Wang Wei is not less angry with him.

Of course, she is not afraid that this man is not willing to spend money, in fact, those things she can buy herself, she just does not like his attitude, after all, two people are in love, how can they not spend a penny, and even let women paste upside down?

Slowly, Wang Wei could not stand his stinginess more and more, and proposed to break up, but then the ex had a new relationship, she saw that this man often sent a circle of friends to show affection, bought her a gift today, and prepared a surprise tomorrow, where is this still the original man who slammed the door?

Until that moment, Wang Wei understood that men "cut the door" only because they did not love enough, and they were not willing to pay too much if they did not love.

In fact, there is only one kind of woman who is willing to let men spend money


The woman a man is willing to spend money on must be his true love

In fact, there is only one kind of woman who can make a man willing to spend money, and that is the woman he really loves deep inside, and when he meets this person, he wants to give her everything, including his money.

Even if he used to be very picky, when facing her, he would become generous, he only wanted to make her happy, he only wanted her to live a better life, even if he had to pay some money for it, he was very willing.

Linlin said to me: "Recently, he handed me his salary card and told me the bank card password, originally I said that I didn't need to know so much detail, but he said that he wanted to give me a promise, so he was still willing to give me money-related things in advance. ”

What a woman wants is nothing more than a sense of security, she has the ability to make money herself, and she can afford to buy what she wants, but she needs you to prove your love, and money is undoubtedly the best way.

If a man is willing to give you money for safekeeping, and at the same time will not share it with you so finely, then you should understand that this man is taking you to heart.

In fact, there is only one kind of woman who is willing to let men spend money


Whether men really love you or not, look at the money to know

Although it is said that whether a man loves you or not cannot be completely proved by money, from the matter of "spending money", you can still find some different places, that is, he treats you differently.

The person who truly loves you is willing to give money to you, and is willing to spend money for you, so spoil you, just want to make you happy, want you to feel his love;

The man who does not love you will "cut the door", he is selfish in his heart, only thinking about himself, so he is not willing to spend a penny for you, if there is no equivalent exchange, he is not willing.

When women are in love, they must see the nature of men clearly, even if he does not have a lot of money, but at least he is willing to spend money for you, not very angry, such a man is not willing to spend a penny for you after marriage, and even will calculate with you very clearly.

If you want to understand a man's love for you, it depends on whether he is willing to spend money for you, although not absolutely, but it can also filter out some inappropriate people, and those who cut the door on you are far away!

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