
Why don't babies grow tall and eat these things?

We all know that the baby is 70% of the appearance and height lies in the innate genetics, the remaining 30% lies in the growth and development environment of the day after tomorrow, diet, air, drinking water, living habits, etc. Are easy to change some of the baby's characteristics, including making the baby grow tall, which is why some parents are obviously very tall, but the baby is short and thin, today the wooden piglet cake with everyone to take a look, what the baby eats will affect the growth height?

1. Coke: Coke as a national drink, some families think that it is okay to give children snacks and drinks, they did not come this way when they were young, but Coke contains a lot of sugar, too much intake will affect the secretion of growth hormone, and Coke also contains caffeine, drinking more affects sleep, is not conducive to children's growth and height, and even affects the absorption of calcium by children!

Why don't babies grow tall and eat these things?

2. Milk tea: Parents love to drink milk tea, so is there a problem with occasionally giving a baby about 5 years old to drink a little? Of course there is a problem! The trans fatty acids contained in milk tea are enough to make children fat, and a large amount of sugar is not easy for children to grow tall, and the possibility of caries will be greatly increased.

3. Spinach: Some people will ask whether eating spinach will also affect the child's height? The answer, of course, is that spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, some parents directly fried for children to eat, will lead to oxalic acid and calcium in the child's body combined into calcium soap, affecting the absorption of calcium, if it is for children to eat vegetables recommended to first go through hot water to remove oxalic acid and then cook to eat the best.

4. White porridge: As a good helper for mothers to raise their children's stomachs, parents feel that they can often give the baby to eat, but the baby's growth period can not rely on eating white porridge to supplement nutrition, just eating white porridge will make the child's growth and development of nutrients insufficient, affecting the height of the baby, usually you can add some wood wood piglet cake sesame seaweed meat pine seasoning in the white porridge, concentrated nutrition makes it easier for the baby to obtain nutrition, and this kind of meal children eat more easily digestion, stomach and stomach also have no burden.

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