
Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

As soon as the spring breeze passed, the verdant spring vegetables in the vegetable market also took turns to appear.

Even carnivores who have always stuck to the highest end of the food chain can hardly resist the temptation to be tender enough to pinch out the water.

Since ancient times, for Chinese who have never been sloppy, they naturally do not miss the delicacies that are only staged in spring every year, and they are not willing to destroy the innate beauty.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

No spring vegetable can survive the spring

With the advent of the green season, spring vegetables have also become the direction for many people to find the taste of spring.

Whether it is the mother-in-law ding that the northeasterners need to dip in the sauce to eat, or the locust flower rice in the Spring Overture of the Shaanxi people, or the gray ash vegetables that the Yunnan people used to brush the hot pot, or the protagonist Ma Lantou on the table during the Qingming Dynasty.

People's desire for wild vegetables is far greater than the desire to drill through the soil than wild vegetables.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

Spring health, what exactly is better to eat?

After entering the spring, the diet should avoid eating too much spicy and greasy food, so as not to increase the burden on the spleen, gastrointestinal tract and liver, which can easily lead to spleen and stomach disharmony and liver fire.

During this period, foods rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, and high-quality protein and various minerals should be properly consumed. Eating more foods that have a healthy spleen and stomach and nourish the liver can play a very good health care role.

What vegetables are better to eat in spring?

1. Spinach

Spinach is a spring seasonal vegetable, the price is relatively low, but the nutritional value is very high, with the reputation of "nutritional model student".

It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and carotene, iron and other mineral elements are particularly abundant, which can play a role in nourishing blood and boosting metabolism.

For the intestines and blood vessels, they have a very good conditioning effect.

After entering the spring, you can eat spinach with some pork liver, and it can also play a very good role in liver nourishment and liver protection.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

2. Purslane

Purslane is a very common wild vegetable, also known as the longevity dish in the spring. It can not only play a series of effects such as detoxification, heat removal, and swelling reduction, but also reduce blood lipids, blood pressure and blood sugar.

In addition, purslane has a very good killing effect on some dysentery bacteria, and has a good prevention and control effect on some infectious diseases that are easy to appear in spring.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

3. Cabbage

It is particularly rich in calcium, many times higher than in other vegetables.

The various vitamins, fiber and carotene and other nutrients contained in it are particularly numerous, which have a good maintenance effect on the spleen, stomach, intestine and liver.

In addition, acetylcholine and other components contained in cabbage can also play a role in lowering blood pressure, blood lipids and preventing thrombosis.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

4. Dandelions

Dandelion is known as a natural antibiotic and has a very good bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

In the spring, there are many people who will have some fire phenomenon, and it is easy to have symptoms such as tonsillar inflammation, mouth ulcers, and constipation. Eating some dandelions properly can play a very good therapeutic role.

It also has the effect of improving symptoms for diseases such as breast hyperplasia and thyroid nodules.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

From the south to the north, how can you not eat spring vegetables in the spring?

At the beginning of spring, many people also began to join the team of wild vegetables.

For middle-aged and elderly people who have experienced food poverty, wild vegetables naturally become the best memories of that hungry era.

But naturally grown wild vegetables, on the surface, seem to carry the label of health and green, but in fact they are not as healthy as you think.

Wild vegetables themselves grow in suburban areas or in the green areas of parks, where the soil often has heavy metals exceeding the standard, or pesticide residues are too high, as well as pollution from cycling exhaust and roadside dust.

Wild vegetables grown in such an environment inevitably contain a lot of heavy metals such as lead and mercury, so they are not as green and healthy as the vegetables purchased in supermarkets.

In addition, picking wild vegetables by mistake can cause fatal dangers, such as purple flowered ditin and early viola, which are similar but toxic; water celery and shilongrui that grow near the water, the latter may win vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

All in all, digging wild vegetables is not only not so healthy, but if you are not careful, you may also pit the whole family.

Can you survive the spring without a single spring vegetable? 4 kinds of spring vegetables are recommended to let you eat the taste of spring

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