
Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!


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Spring is coming, everyone in the circle of friends is drying wild vegetables, toon omelette, quinoa fried meat, cabbage spring rolls, stir-fried purslane... Speaking of which one, people can't help but drool.

Nowadays, many wild vegetables can be seen in large supermarkets, but if you have the opportunity to dig wild vegetables in the wild and then take a picnic by the way, that is the highest state of eating wild vegetables in spring.

But spring is also a high incidence of food poisoning season, not only poisonous mushrooms are not easy to identify, many poisonous wild vegetables are also easy to make people mistaken. Therefore, if you go to the wild to dig wild vegetables, you must learn to distinguish and do not take it lightly.

Great collection of delicious wild vegetables

○ Cabbage

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Boiled eggs with cabbage, the taste is also very fragrant

Cabbage is arguably the most popular wild vegetable in spring. Cabbage ravioli, cabbage dumplings, and spring rolls of cabbage, each of which is fragrant, tender and delicious.

It can be seen in many areas and is also easy to identify. Its leaves are jagged with a small layer of fur on the surface, with a sparse white whisker like long eyelashes. The flowers are small, white-green, with inverted ovate petals and triangular ovates.

Rich in 11 kinds of amino acids and various nutritional elements, whole herbs can be medicated, with diuretic, hemostatic, clear heat, blindness, accumulation of effects. The harvested cabbage removes the old leaves and thick stems, blanchs and chops them to cook with many ingredients.

There are several kinds of wild vegetables that look very similar to cabbage. For example, the relatives of the cabbage, the broken rice wattle, they belong to the same cruciferous family, but the leaves and fruits are obviously different.

Broken rice can also be eaten, but the taste is relatively light, but its medicinal value is also very good, the whole herb into the medicine, with the effect of clearing heat and dampness, calming the nerves, and stopping bleeding;

In addition, there is a kind of mud mustard, which belongs to the Asteraceae family, which is more green than the cabbage, the stems and leaves are crisp and tender, and can also be used as spring cakes and green dough, and also has the effect of going to the fire, clearing heat and detoxification, reducing swelling and destasis, but people who are cold and weak cannot eat too much.

○ Toon

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

The taste of toon is very special, so it has become the "big love" of many people, and some people avoid it. It is actually the tender bud of the toon tree, divided into red toon and green toon.

Toon scrambled eggs or cold mix are very delicious, with heat and detoxification, stomach and gas, diuretic and detoxification effects. But toon should also not be eaten more.

Like toon buds, the young buds of the pepper tree can also be used in vegetables, as well as the effect of sterilization, anti-inflammatory, and flu prevention. Eat it in the same way as toon.

Tender willow buds can also be eaten, in the early spring when the willow tree just sprouted, plucked, blanched water to remove the bitter taste, direct cold mix is very delicious. But the willow buds soon became "old" and could be eaten for a short time.

○ Triptogen

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Also known as Centella asiatica and avalanche, it often grows in warm and humid environments, such as under tea trees, bamboo forests, and streams. Its leaves are rounded and its rhizomes are slender. Gotu kola is very good to mix or cook in soup, and it also has the effect of strengthening blood vessels and promoting blood circulation.

○ Plough grass

Ploughshares, also known as purple-flowered diding, have long, triangular leaves with jagged edges, and purple flowers, which are commonly grown in stone crevices and grasses. Plough grass itself is also a High Medicinal Value Chinese herbal medicine, which can be used to fry eggs and cook soups.

○ Bracken

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Bracken grows on the mountain and is known as the "king of mountain vegetables". Its nutrition is very rich, protein and amino acids, vitamins, carotene content is very high, as well as antipyretic diuretic, calming, blood pressure lowering effect. Lu You has a poetry cloud: "Arrows are brittle and sweet and bully snow fungus, and fern buds are precious and tender and pressed spring vegetables." "It can be seen that its delicious taste has been known to everyone since ancient times.

Bracken stir-fried bacon or bracken root to make fern root powder are delicacies, but it is not recommended to eat often, fresh bracken must also be blanched before eating, and then soaked in cool water to remove the bitter taste, while removing the "protofern glycosides" and "nitrates" and other harmful substances inside.

○ Artemisia annua

Artemisia asteraceae, also known as basil and chrysanthemum. The leaves and flowers are very similar to wild chrysanthemums, their stems and leaves can be eaten together, the aroma is as rich as chrysanthemum, and the nutrients are also rich, especially the content of carotene far exceeds that of ordinary vegetables. Stir-fried or hot pot dishes are popular.

Another species of artemisia in the same Asteraceae family is also popular, it is also known as reed artemisia, the leaves and stems are more slender, mostly with stems into the dish, quinoa fried bacon is particularly delicious.

○ Purslane

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Purslane can be harvested in fields all over the country. Its leaves are rounded, different from the large purslane (commonly known as the sunflower) with thin stick-like leaves, and the flowers are relatively small.

The history books record: "Purslane, also known as the five elements of grass, with its green leaves, red stems, yellow flowers, white roots, and black seeds." It can be seen that it is rich in nutrients, so it is also called "longevity dish", which has a good protective effect on cardiovascular disease. It is also an intestinal "cleanser", which can clear heat and detoxify, stop bleeding and cool blood, and lower cholesterol.

It's also very simple, blanching for two minutes and then fishing it out to cool it, or making a stuffed cabbage box is very good.

○ Dandelion

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Dandelion has the reputation of "medicine and food queen", also known as mother-in-law Ding, Huanghua Di Ding. But its flowers and seeds can not be eaten, only the rhizomes and leaves can be eaten, blanched and mixed cold, or stir-fried, with pork liver to cook soup.

It is a natural antibiotic, which has curative effect on acne, mouth ulcers, sore throat, and can also nourish the liver and strengthen the spleen. The leaves are made into dandelion tea, which can also clear the heat and remove the fire.

○ Goji berry leaves

Goji berries themselves are a kind of health care ingredients, summer flowers, autumn berries can be edible, spring goji berry young leaves are called goji berry head, goji buds or beet heads, but also fragrant and tender, there is a liver and lungs, clear heat and bright purpose effect, can improve immunity.

It was mentioned in "Dream of the Red Chamber": "The former three girls and the treasure girl accidentally discussed that they wanted to eat a fried goji berry sprout in oil and salt." "At a glance, you know it's a simple and refreshing dish. Fried chicken slices or chicken skin with young leaves of goji berries are also delicious.

○ Alfalfa head

Alfalfa head, also known as grass head, actually refers to the young leaves of the legume alfalfa genus Alfalfa.

It is rich in carotene, riboflavin and calcium, containing saponins can be combined with human cholesterol, reduce cholesterol content, prevent and treat coronary heart disease, and have a good effect of clearing heat and diuresis, relieving muscles and activating the network, draining stones and replenishing blood. Blanch it in water and mix it cold, stir-fry or make soup.

○ Fold ear roots

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

The root of the folded ear is a fishy grass, which is also a wild vegetable that some people "love" and some people "hate", because it has a strong fishy smell and a special flavor. But it also has the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, diuresis and dehumidification, and it can be eaten in a variety of ways, which can be cold mixed, fried meat, stewed soup or boiled hot pot.

○ Elm money

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Elm money is the fruit of the elm tree, shaped like money but small, colored in white bunches, because of its round and thin shape like a coin, so named. It is delicious to cook porridge or add sugar and cold mix, which has the effect of clearing the heart and strengthening the spleen and clearing the heat and calming the spirit. Ouyang Xiu of the Northern Song Dynasty also had a poem to praise: "Cups and plates of powder porridge are cold in spring, and the pond yuqian is rainy at night." ”

○ Wild onion

Wild onions are also called wild garlic in some places, not only taste fragrant, but also can be medicated, can assist in the treatment of accumulated food, indigestion, loss of appetite and so on. It has a spicy taste and is often used as a condiment, but when it is picked in the spring, it is dipped in sauce and eaten, and the taste is also very fresh.

○ Plantain

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Plantain is a very common wild vegetable, boiled in water after frying, making stuffing, dipping sauce, etc., its cold, sweet taste, has the effect of water seepage.

These wild plants should not be eaten by mistake

Wild vegetables are rich in nutrients and unique in taste, but they must learn to distinguish between picking themselves, because many plants in the wild look close, and do not eat poisonous plants by mistake and make a big mistake.

●Broken intestinal grass

Broken intestine grass, also known as wolf poison grass, contains neurotoxicity, excessive intake will lead to a strong reaction from the digestive system, circulatory system and respiratory system, the intestines will be black and adhesion, and the symptoms of poisoning also include salivation and nausea.

● Husband silver

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Old silver is a very common wild plant, also known as wild carrots, cnidium monde, white flowers, leaves and roots are highly poisonous, eating will cause death.

●Wild celery

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Wild celery, also known as poisonous parsley, bald eagle, poisonous ginseng, very toxic, people will be nausea, vomiting, cold hands and feet, limb paralysis after eating, serious can cause death. It is said that the famous greek philosopher Socrates died of eating poisonous parsley by mistake.

● Wild land

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Wild land is also known as mother pig, old man drinking, the leaves are dark green with purple, covered with fine hairs, the flowers are very similar to lip-shaped sesame flowers, mostly purple-red. If ingested, it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and even coma.


Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Buttercup is monkey garlic, five tiger grass, contains strong volatile irritants, contact with the skin can cause inflammation and blisters, internal administration can cause severe gastroenteritis and poisoning symptoms, but it rarely leads to the death of humans and animals.


Although celandine has the name "vegetable", it cannot be eaten, it is poisonous all over the grass, and has a strong volatile pungent odor. It is mostly found on hillsides or valleys in forest-edge meadows, also known as ground yellow lian, cattle golden flowers.

●Dragon Aoi

Hipsters new knowledge| eat "wild vegetables" in the spring, don't admit mistakes!

Dragon flower, that is, wild spicy tiger, mountain pepper, is also a very common wild plant, the fruit is like wild eggplant, black, poisonous.


What should I do with food poisoning?

If you accidentally eat poisonous plants, or have symptoms of food poisoning, you can immediately drink a lot of water, which can dilute the toxins; if the eating time is not long, within one or two hours, you can also artificially induce vomiting, spit out poison as soon as possible, and you can also take vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio, which can be detoxified.

Once poisoning is found, it is best to seek medical treatment in time, and keep food samples, provide them to the hospital for testing, and report to the relevant departments in time.

(For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News Yangcheng Pie

Editor-in-charge | Izzina

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