
Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Recently, the circle of friends of The University of Science and Technology is spreading the "Digging Wild Vegetable Raiders".

I was so itchy that I would like to grab a small shovel now and join the ranks of the army of wild vegetable diggers.

But before "enlisting", we still have to remind everyone:

Wild vegetables accidentally dig up mistakes, take them home to do wrong, or even eat wrong, are prone to accidents!

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

The Qingming Festival is just around the corner, and it is a good time to go on a spring outing.

If you don't want to miss the spring limited delicacies, but also to ensure safety and health, you may wish to take a look at today's "Digging Wild Vegetable Treasure Book".

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Danger one: Admit mistakes

Data released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission shows:

In 2015, a total of 1,045 people were poisoned by eating poisonous plants and poisonous mushrooms, and 89 people died, mainly due to accidental consumption.

There are many kinds of wild vegetables on the mainland, but only a few dozen kinds of edible vegetables, do not choose wild vegetables of uncertain varieties to avoid accidental ingestion poisoning.

For example, these common wild vegetables listed in the figure below, can you really tell which one is poisonous and which is non-toxic?

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Image source: Scientific Family Parenting Original

Danger two: Picking wrong

In our food culture, we are always full of inexplicable feelings for "natural and wild".

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

But from another point of view, aren't these [natural wild vegetables] not three no-no products that have not been quarantined, supervised, and not guaranteed?

The exhaust of the car, the heavy metals in the soil that exceed the standard, the pesticides that have just been applied, the water in the stinky gutters..... Wild vegetables bred in such an environment are likely to absorb heavy metal substances such as lead and mercury in the air, which is a proper health killer.

Picking wild vegetables should still be based on safety as the first criterion.

In fact, if you want to eat wild vegetables, you don't need to climb the mountains to pick them.

As a Chinese with full scores in vegetable growing skills, many wild vegetables, like common vegetables, have been cultivated on a large scale.

If you go to a wet market or supermarket, you can eat safe and healthy wild vegetables.

But don't take the wild vegetables home lightly, we may also...

Danger Three: Eat wrong

Proper cooking is an important step in reducing the risk of wild vegetables.

The most effective way to remove oxalic acid, alkaloids and other substances from wild vegetables is to blanch water.

For example, these are the common examples!

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Eat wild vegetables as much as possible and do not store them for too long to ensure its freshness and prevent nutrient loss.

And not everyone is suitable for eating wild vegetables, such as people with gastrointestinal diseases, frailty, malnutrition, a history of wild vegetable allergies, and women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, it is recommended to eat less or eat with caution.

If you accidentally eat poisonous wild vegetables and have abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and other symptoms, you can take the following methods to deal with it:

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

During the epidemic period, we can't take our children to feel the "breath of spring", so we have to use "eat wild vegetables" to find the taste of spring.

The next 4 wild vegetables mentioned by HKUST are not only nutritious, but also very suitable for babies to eat!

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Cabbage: Calcium supplement small expert

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

The calcium content of cabbage exceeds that of tofu, the carotene content is similar to that of carrots, and the crude cellulose in cabbage can enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine, which is very suitable for people with constipation.

Suitable for age and recommended recipes:

If the child's digestion ability is better, it can be eaten around the age of 1, mainly pureed, boiled, and gradually added in small quantities many times.

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with cabbage, tofu soup with cabbage, wontons with cabbage.


Cabbage, especially wild cabbage contains a certain amount of oxalic acid, too much oxalic acid will lead to astringent taste, but also affect the absorption of calcium and other nutrients, so try to blanch in boiling water before eating.

Children with poor digestion and absorption are advised to consume with caution.

Toon sprouts: Hermes in wild vegetables

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

The toon in toon can enhance appetite, vitamin C, carotene, etc. help to enhance human immunity.

If your baby is over 3 years old and not allergic, you can eat some in moderation.

Recommended recipes: Scrambled eggs with toon, toon with cold toon, toon cake.

Fresh toon buds contain nitrites and oxalic acid, which should be blanched in boiling water for about half a minute to remove harmful substances.

It is not recommended to give children too much toon at once;

People who are in the acute stage of infection such as fever or have a rash disease, do not eat;

Locust Flower: The most delicious flower in spring

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Locust flowers are high in protein and fat, and are also rich in vitamins, trace elements, and nutrients such as niacinamide.

After adding regular complementary foods for 6 months, you can eat some locust flowers appropriately.

Recommended recipes: Steamed locust flowers, sautéed locust flowers, scrambled eggs with locust flowers.

It is not recommended for people with allergic rhinitis, urticaria, pollen allergy or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Before eating the locust flower, be sure to rinse repeatedly, and rinse the impurities attached to the locust flower, even small insects.

Locust flowers are relatively sweet, when eating locust flowers should not eat sweets, but also to give the baby to drink more boiled water, so as to avoid indigestion.

Purslane: Longevity dish

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

Purslane nutrition is relatively balanced and comprehensive, containing calcium, iron, phosphorus and carotene, vitamin C, selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids and other substances, can provide sufficient nutrition for the baby, known as "longevity dish" reputation.

It is generally recommended that children over 3 years old can consume purslane in moderation.

Recommended recipe: Cold mix purslane, purslane porridge, stir-fried purslane.

Purslane oxalic acid is particularly high (1.46g/100g), be sure to blanch water before eating.

Purslane is over-consumed, prone to abdominal distention, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal discomfort symptoms, and the amount of consumption must be controlled.

In the short spring, these tender and delicious wild vegetables are nature's best feedback to us. When we taste the taste of spring, we must remember:

Can babies eat wild vegetables? These 4 kinds of spring wild vegetables, high in calcium and nutritious, are recommended by experts

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