
Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

Spring is the first season of the year, when the yin and yang qi begin to change, and everything begins to sprout and grow with the rise of the yang qi. Especially in the fields, a large number of wild vegetables begin to sprout and grow, so spring is also the best time to eat wild vegetables.

However, there are still many people who do not know that some wild vegetables may have problems eating.

Recently, a man ate 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row, and appeared nausea and diarrhea, swollen legs and feet, and finally diagnosed acute kidney injury.

It can be seen that although wild vegetables are beautiful, they are not safe. I advise everyone not to eat indiscriminately.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

So, which wild vegetables have a good taste and high nutritional value? Try these:

What wild vegetables taste good and nutritious in spring?

1. Dandelion

After entering the spring, the temperature begins to rise gradually, but the climate is relatively dry, and many areas are relatively windy, the water loss in the body will be more, and more internal heat will be generated in the body, which is easy to make people prone to fire.

Then in the spring, you should eat some dandelions appropriately, such as picking some fresh dandelion leaves for cold mixing, or making soup and filling. Not only does the taste are relatively refreshing, but also contains a large number of vitamins, dandelion alcohol, inulin and other ingredients, which has a very good heat-clearing and fire-reducing effect.

It has a very good improvement effect on a series of problems such as mouth ulcers, sore throat and gums, yellow urine, and unfavorable stool caused by fire.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

2. Toon buds

Toon buds refer to the young shoots on the toon tree, and the young shoots emitted from the toon trees are generally edible around the valley rains every spring. The taste of toon sprouts is particularly fragrant, which can be made into some cold dishes and can also be used to make some other delicacies, and the taste is very good.

And there are a lot of vitamins A, C, E in the toon buds, as well as carotene, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and other nutrients. It not only has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, but also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification. And contains sex hormone substances and vitamin E, but also can play a role in tonifying the yang and nourishing the yin and anti-aging effect.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

3. Locust flowers

Locust flower refers to the flowers of the locust tree, not only the smell is very fragrant, but also can be used to make a variety of food, such as can be used to make locust flower cake or locust flower tea, and used to make bun filling, etc., the taste is very good.

Moreover, locust flowers also belong to a chinese herbal medicine, containing a relatively rich cloud carparin, fatty acids, vitamins, proteins and eugenol and other components.

These ingredients can not only play a role in protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also have a very strong antioxidant, detoxification and other effects.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

Fourth, Yu Money

Elm money refers to the wing fruit of the elm tree, so named because of its shape like a small copper coin. Yu Qian is very rich in nutrients, such as iron content is very much, more than 11 times that of spinach. The calcium content is also particularly rich, 3 times that of spinach.

In addition, it also contains a large number of dietary fiber, vitamins, niacin and other ingredients. These ingredients can not only improve the body's hematopoietic function, but also can supplement calcium for the human body, and effectively reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And can promote intestinal detoxification, effectively improve the spring prone to constipation.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

5. Cabbage

The taste of cabbage is particularly tender, the edible is particularly widespread, and it is particularly rich in carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, vitamins and other ingredients in the cabbage.

In particular, it contains calcium and amino acids that are very rich. Entering the spring is appropriate to eat some cabbage, which can play a role in strengthening the spleen and appetizing, moisturizing the intestines and laxatives, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It also has the effect of preventing obesity, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases.

Men eat 3 meals of wild vegetables in a row to cause acute kidney injury: safe and nutritious wild vegetables, you may wish to try these 5 kinds

All in all, after entering the spring, the above five kinds of vegetables not only have a particularly tender taste, but also contain a large number of substances that are beneficial to the human body. In addition, you can also eat some purslane, plantain, gray cabbage, maran head and so on.

But it is worth noting that before eating wild vegetables in the spring, it is best to blanch them with hot water to remove some of the oxalic acid substances in wild vegetables.

In addition, be sure not to dig up some wild vegetables in the overly polluted environment. Such wild vegetables contain a large number of harmful substances to the human body, and once eaten, it is very likely to cause poisoning reactions, which is more harmful to health.

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