
Grab a key point and make your daily exercise easier!

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"Guys, get moving!"

A command in the live broadcast room,

Are you also energized?

Grab a key point and make your daily exercise easier!

Life lies in movement, and scientific movement is a powerful guarantee for healthy life. So, do you know that a key point of the scientific movement is the "blessing" of nutrition?

The following 3 questions, boys and girls who are busy "punching in" gymnastics every day, it is really necessary to master it:

Grab a key point and make your daily exercise easier!

Question One

In order to cooperate with the exercise of fat burning,

ShouldN't I eat as few staple foods as possible?

From the perspective of nutrition, nutrients include proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water. The energy we need for daily work and life is derived from the oxidation and metabolism process of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates in the body.

In the human body, carbohydrates are not only the main source of energy for the body, but also an important energy supply substance when you exercise. In abundance, it further synthesizes the glycogen needed for exercise, stored in muscles and liver. However, if there is excess glucose in addition to the abundance, the synthetic fat will be stored in the body.

To put it another way, consuming too little carb-rich foods can affect limiting your endurance exercise ability. Therefore, the so-called rational nutrition that matches exercise focuses on the selection of suitable types of carb-rich foods and the control of intake.

The body's energy expenditure mainly includes three aspects: maintaining basal metabolism, engaging in physical activity (including physical exercise) and food heat effect. Insufficient energy intake will cause hunger, resulting in a decrease in physical strength and work efficiency; excessive intake, it is easy to cause obesity and related chronic diseases. For "athletes", the daily carb food is recommended to account for 50% to 65% of the energy supply.


If one of the purposes of your exercise is to lose weight, while controlling your total energy intake, it is recommended to eat less simple energy sugars that quickly raise blood sugar levels in the short term (such as white sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, fructose syrup, honey, etc.), and choose more complex carb foods with low blood sugar production index (such as whole grains, potatoes, etc.), and cooperate with a balanced diet.

Grab a key point and make your daily exercise easier!

Question two

I want to grow more muscle,

Do you want to eat more protein?

In fact, muscle growth is the result of a combination of factors, and diet alone does not yield good results. If you just sit on the couch and watch TV every day, eating more protein won't help you build muscle, it'll just build up fat. The premise of long muscle is a certain intensity of resistance exercise, combined with a balanced diet, in order to work synergistically and stimulate muscle growth.

Scientific studies have found that low-intensity resistance exercise training (≤ 50% 1RM. 1RM is the maximum load that can be completed only once) is enough to maintain or strengthen muscle strength and build muscle, but high-intensity resistance exercise training (80% 1RM) can achieve maximum strength growth. Inadequate exercise load usually does not increase lean body mass, only high-volume resistance exercise is effective and should last at least 3 months.

As an ordinary person, the amount of exercise has increased, so should you supplement protein more? It mainly depends on the intensity of exercise, as well as the body's ability to anabolic, and consuming more protein cannot be used for muscle synthesis without limit.

Even under higher intensity, professional exercise training conditions, the recommended protein intake will not exceed twice the daily diet of the average person. It is also important to note that excessive intake of protein may increase the metabolic burden on the kidneys. It is recommended to consider protein supplements only if the daily diet cannot meet the needs (such as the presence of multiple protein food allergies, etc.), and it is necessary to consult a professional dietitian in detail.


The nutritional intake of ordinary sports exercise only needs to add a small amount of protein to the daily diet. For example, adding a cup of low-fat milk after exercise is a choice.

Grab a key point and make your daily exercise easier!

Question three

There is no good meal plan,

Makes exercising easier?

If you often find it difficult or difficult to exercise, then in addition to checking whether your exercise intensity is too high, you should also check your eating patterns: Have you done a regular meal? Do I exercise on an empty stomach? Does your diet plan include plenty of carb-rich foods?

According to the recommendations of the dietary guidelines for mainland residents, a reasonable daily diet should include staple foods, vegetables, algae and fruits, poultry meat/aquatic products, milk, eggs and soy products, suitable oils and fats, and ensure adequate water intake. Simply put, it's —

Each meal has meat and vegetarian staple food, milk, egg and bean products every day, fruit and water are sufficient; eat a small amount of nuts every week, three meals regularly.

This makes for a healthy, fitness-friendly diet.


If you are going to carry out a more intense exercise, you can supplement a meal with a total energy of 200 to 300 kcal and rich in complex carb foods about 1 hour before exercise, and increase the amount of water to ensure the energy supply during exercise. Note that do not forget to subtract this amount of energy from the meal of the day to control total energy intake.

The author | Xu Zhisheng, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Chen Qianyi, Department of Nutrition, Run Shaw Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine

Audit | expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Professor Li Keji, School of Public Health, Peking University

Planner | Tan Jia Yu Yunxi

Editor| Yu Yunxi

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