
Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

author:Sister Rong Flower House

The money tree means to attract wealth and treasure, and it is a kind of potted plant that many flower friends like. Its green leaves resemble ancient coins, coupled with the compact plant shape and straight branches, it is an indoor potted plant with high ornamental value.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

In addition, the money tree is easy to maintain and look good, as long as it is properly maintained, it can burst out a lot of small money buds. Raise a money tree in April, as long as you do 4 more things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise, the more you will attract wealth!

1. Pour some sour water frequently

Money trees prefer slightly acidic soils, and in alkaline soils, they are prone to yellow leaf litter. Because of the alkaline soil, it will lead to soil compaction, and the roots of the money tree are not breathable, which is prone to the situation of stunted root growth, which will also lead to the yellow leaves of the money tree.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

In April, we need to feed some sour and sour water frequently, especially the flower friends in the northern region whose water quality belongs to alkaline water, which can play a role in improving the pH of the soil, so that the soil is loose and breathable, and the roots of the money tree are longer and fatter, and the money tree can flourish.

With sour water, ferrous sulfate can be added to the water, diluted according to the instructions, and then used. You can also use fermented rice water, fermented beer water, and fermented peel water to water, and use it 2 to 3 times a month to improve the soil, make the soil loose and breathable, and also improve fertility, so that the money tree grows more and more vigorously.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

In addition, rainwater is slightly acidic water, and it contains a lot of nutrients, so letting the money tree rain not only makes the soil loose and breathable, but also makes the leaves of the money tree grow more and more fat.

In addition, spring rain is as expensive as oil, and the spring rain is always very small, so the appropriate rain will make the branches and leaves of the money tree grow fatter and fatter, and it can also burst out a lot of small money buds. But if the rain is too heavy, you need proper shelter from the rain to prevent the tree from rotting roots today. You can pick up some rainwater and use it to water the money tree.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

2. Fertilization should be less and more diligent

Money tree is a more fertilizer-loving plant, coupled with the temperature in April, it is the time when the money tree grows vigorously, so the money tree has more requirements for fertilizer and water. But fertilizing the money tree,

In addition, fertilize the money tree, if it is a newly repotted money tree, do not fertilize it when it has not been potted. In addition, do not fertilize the slow-growing money tree to prevent fertilizer damage and root burning.

For the fertilizer used for money trees, you can use fermented organic fertilizer,

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

Fertilization should follow less and more diligent application,

In addition, when it is rainy and rainy, it is necessary to stop fertilizing at noon when the temperature is high. When fertilizing, it can also loosen the soil, which is conducive to fertilizer absorption.

3. Trim more and ventilate more

Raising money trees also requires frequent pruning,

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

Pruning the money tree, that is, cutting off the dry, sick branches, cutting the branches that are too long and cutting off the intersecting branches.

In addition, money trees like a well-ventilated environment, especially indoor-raised money trees, must be well ventilated to prevent high temperature and humidity, resulting in pests and diseases of money trees.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

4. Bright scattered light environment

Money tree is a relatively shade-tolerant plant and does not like too strong sunlight, because as soon as the sun is strong, the leaves of the money tree are easy to sunburn, and the sunburned money tree leaves are difficult to recover and can only be cut off.

In addition, as the temperature rises in April, the sunlight becomes stronger and stronger, so don't bask in the sun at this time.

Raise money trees in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, and green, and the more you raise them, the more you attract wealth

Conclusion: Raise a money tree in April, do more of these 4 things, the leaves are big, fat, green, the more you raise the more wealth! These 4 points are often watering some sour and sour water, less frequent fertilization, frequent pruning, ventilation and light, and raising in a bright and shining place. Is this how your money tree was raised in April, and what are some other maintenance recommendations?

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