
The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

author:Let's pet the flowers

The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

When it comes to money trees, everyone should be very familiar with them, this kind of flowers are very good-looking, vigorous growth, really very atmospheric, many flower friends want to raise a few pots at home, it is really very atmospheric, the branches of the money tree are thick, in the spring is also the time when the growth is vigorous, we maintain the money tree, we must do a good job of maintenance in the spring, the growth will be better, easy out of the state, like the money tree must do a good job of these things, like the money tree friends to take a look at it.

1. Supplement nutrients

The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

The growth of the money tree is vigorous, especially in spring, there must be sufficient nutrients, at this time you can regularly supplement some compound fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium balance, and the absorption of plants will be better, do not use thick fertilizer, so as not to cause fertilizer damage.

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The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

Money trees like small flower pots, everyone maintains money trees, flower pots are too large and easy to accumulate water and rot roots. After a long time, there will be water and rotten roots, change the pot and soil once a year, prune off the root system that is not growing well, and after the wound recovers, you can plant it in the normal way.

2. Increase light

The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

Money tree is a light-loving plant, so it should be noted that you must bask in more sunlight during the growing season, and have enough light to better photosynthesize, synthesize more nutrients, and the plant will absorb better. Especially in spring, when the light is milder at this time, you don't have to worry about getting sunburned, and in the summer, when the sun is strong, you need proper shade.

3. The environment is suitable

The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

To maintain the money tree, we must maintain a ventilated environment, do not plant it in a closed room for a long time, so as not to cause pests and diseases, you need to open the window frequently for ventilation, the absorption of the plant will be better, and the growth will be more vigorous, which is really beautiful.

The money tree does not grow new sprouts all year round, so teach you a few tricks, and the sprouts will be stubble after stubble

Money trees are more resistant to pruning, and regular pruning off branches that are not growing well can better promote the growth of new shoots. The pruned branches can also be used for cuttings, and the survival rate is extremely high, and one pot can easily become many pots.

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Today, Xiaobian will share with you this kind of easy to raise and good-looking flowers, the ornamental value is extremely high, and the maintenance is also very simple, friends who like to raise flowers can try it, have you raised it?

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