
#Those things in my family#Friends: How are your flowers and plants maintained, the two pots of money trees I raised somehow began this year, and the leaves slowly thinned and turned yellow,

author:Still smiling at sunset F0q1

#我家的那些事 #

Friends: How do you maintain your flowers and plants, the two pots of money trees I raised somehow began to thin and yellow one by one, and the branches and stems became wrinkled and soft and collapsed. Say it's not enough to care, I go to loosen the soil every day, water it, and buy a lot of all kinds of flower fertilizer, saying that the soil is not good, I used to dig the flower soil in the pastoral, because the old ones can't raise flowers, and finally all the special flower soil bought online, but still cultivated like this... [Shyness]

Buy flowers every year, only pots are left every year, and even the usual green rose, prickly prickly ball (family) and other plants can be raised. The flowers and plants that are good can be moved back to my house in the lush oil green of other people's parents, and they will be yellow and thin in January, and they will hang slowly! [Cover face]

Some colleagues joked that I was too diligent, flowers and plants were suitable for lazy people to raise free-range, and flowers and plants made me toss to death; Some friends joked that I may be a fire life, not suitable for raising flowers and plants, and flowers and plants are for me to burn. [Laughing and crying]

Friends, help me see which link is wrong, is it really too diligent, or...

I really like to raise some flowers and plants, but no matter how much I take care of it and wait for it, I just can't raise it! 🥺🥺🥺

#我家的那些事 #

#I don't know how to raise flowers#

#你们喜欢养花不 #

#Those things in my family#Friends: How are your flowers and plants maintained, the two pots of money trees I raised somehow began this year, and the leaves slowly thinned and turned yellow,
#Those things in my family#Friends: How are your flowers and plants maintained, the two pots of money trees I raised somehow began this year, and the leaves slowly thinned and turned yellow,
#Those things in my family#Friends: How are your flowers and plants maintained, the two pots of money trees I raised somehow began this year, and the leaves slowly thinned and turned yellow,

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