
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

Plants such as pothos and bamboos are often raised by flower lovers, but for various reasons. It is inevitable that there will be some diseases! Grow some insects! But don't be afraid, many plants have a super strong ability to germinate and grow! Cut the light, and you can grow a big pot in one month!



Last winter, the pothos was left outdoors and frozen! Many of the leaves were frozen! The leaves were cut, and the healthy branches were left to continue to be buried in the pot, and a large pot grew!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

Cut the yellow leaves, cut the stems, and put them in a new pot for cuttings!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

The original pothos leaves have sprouted!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

Pothos is starting to grow new leaves!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

A lot of new leaves have grown, and in a month it will be full of pots!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

(绿萝吧 842572130)

Maintenance method

After cutting, put it in an environment with scattered light, and the suitable temperature for the growth of pothos is 20-25 °C. The potting soil should not be too wet, and after the leaves grow, it can be maintained normally, and thin liquid fertilizer can be applied 2-3 times a month to promote growth.


It is a relatively common thing for bamboo to turn yellow, sometimes the air is dry, strong light exposure, can make the bamboo yellow!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

There is only one way to deal with yellow leaves, and that is to cut and cut.

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

To restore to the correct maintenance method, the water is greatly reduced to watering. If dry, increase the humidity. Once the yellow leaves are difficult to recover, they can only be cut off, but fortunately, the new branches and leaves of Wenzhu are also very fast!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

(Wenzhu Bar New Decameron)

Therefore, the most important thing is that the roots can not die, if a large number of yellow leaves fall off, you can cut off the roots, and after a period of time, new branches can come out!

Maintenance method

If the branches and leaves of the whole plant are burned by strong sunlight or the potting soil is too dry, lack of fertilizer and some unknown reason and the growth is poor, the whole plant can be renewed. Pruning during the growing season is easier to germinate new branches, and the amount of watering should be appropriately reduced after pruning, and the potting soil should never be too wet, otherwise it will lead to pruning failure.

Spider plant

The leaves of spider plants are easy to turn yellow in autumn and winter, or sometimes they grow too fast and the nutrition cannot keep up. If the condition is very bad, consider cutting it a little harder to let the spider plant grow leaves again.

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

Maintenance method

Usually cut off the yellow leaves of spider plants at any time. The leaves are yellow, and if they dry up, you can cut off some of the old leaves of the spider plant, which will promote the germination of more new leaves and small spider plants. After cutting, it should be placed in a bright, well-ventilated environment, maintain normal humidity, not dry, and not too wet.


There are also many reasons for the yellow leaves of gardenias, such as alkaline soil, or alkaline watering, which is difficult to maintain in the north.

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

If there are a lot of yellow leaves, you can prune them vigorously.

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

(Gardenia Bar Classical Man 521)

After a month, the gardenia will regrow new leaves.

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

(Gardenia Bar Classical Man 521)

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

Maintenance method

Gardenia has strong tillering power and germination ability, and is resistant to pruning and renewal. After cutting, you need to put it in a well-ventilated and bright place indoors, reduce watering, and do not apply fertilizer.

Fortune Tree

In fact, in addition to the case of yellowing insects, if the plant shape is not good, or it grows long, you can prune and re-branches!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

Pay attention when pruning, and the small bud heads should stay!

The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!
The pothos bamboo spider plant turned yellow and died! I angrily cut the flowers into baldness, and after a month, I actually went crazy!

(Share the moon season Let's Lepei Gardening)

However, although strong pruning can renew the plant as a whole, it should be noted that this method is more suitable for plants with strong germination ability and strong root system. In general, plants can leave more buds and leaves for nutrients, germinate new branches, or prune during the dormant period of the plant. If it is an aging branch that is not needed, it can be cut off at the root.

After cutting, ensure a ventilated and bright growth environment, and apply a certain amount of fertilizer and water after leaf growth to let the plants burst again!

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