
Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

author:Sister Qiao loves life
Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

1. Planting technology

1. Choose soil: Spider plants are suitable for growing in soft, fertile soil. You can use a mixture of humus, garden soil and river sand, and add an appropriate amount of decomposed organic fertilizer as a base fertilizer.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

2. Prepare the pots: Choose pots that are breathable, such as mud pots or plastic pots. The pots should be of a moderate size to accommodate the plants and the soil they need.

3. Planting method: Put the soil in a pot and level it into a small hill. Carefully place the roots of the spider plant into the pot, making sure the roots stretch. Then gently fill the soil so that the roots are in close contact with the soil.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

4. Watering: After planting is completed, it should be watered once to allow the roots to be in full contact with the soil. When watering, be careful not to allow water to flow into the leaves, so as not to cause rot.

II. Breeding method

1. Split propagation: The propagation of spider plants is mainly through ramification. When spider plants sprout, they can be separated from the mother plant and planted separately. When the new plant grows, it can be divided again.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

2. Propagation by cuttings: In addition to ramification, spider plants can also be propagated by cuttings. Choose a sturdy stolon, insert it into a loose and breathable substrate, keep the soil moist and wait for rooting.

3. Precautions: During the breeding process, pay attention to keep the soil moist, but do not accumulate water. At the same time, avoid strong direct sunlight to avoid burning the leaves.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

3. Maintenance management

1. Light: Spider plants like shade and should be placed in a ventilated, semi-shady environment. Avoid direct sunlight, but also not completely in the shade, otherwise it will affect the growth of the plant.

2. Fertilization: During the growing season, it is necessary to apply a thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer once a month. Slow growth in winter and fertilization should be reduced.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

3. Pest control: spider plant is more drought tolerant, and watering should follow the principle of "seeing dry and wet". During the growth process, it is necessary to pay attention to observe whether there are any pests and diseases. Once pests and diseases are found, they should be dealt with in time to avoid the spread of the disease.

Overall, spider plants are an easy to grow and propagate houseplant that can grow well with just proper care. With the right planting techniques and propagation methods, you can easily grow lush spider plants that add life to your home environment.

Planting technology and propagation method of spider plant

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