
The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

author:Love Yinan

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" as soon as they are raised, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos!

In daily life, many people like to raise some flowers and plants at home to beautify the living room and purify the air. When it comes to raising flowers, most people are no strangers to pothos, many people start raising flowers from pothos, but pothos has been raised for a long time, and many people are tired of raising some flowering potted plants.

The flower friend "Kite Who Loves Flowers" left a message saying: "There are pothos everywhere at home, and now I want to raise a few pots of flowering potted plants with branches that can be hanged, but I don't know which one to choose?"

In fact, there are many flowers that can hang on the branches, today we will share "4 kinds of spider plants", and they will become "flower curtains" as soon as they are raised, which are 100 times more beautiful than pothos, let's take a look!

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

1, Purple Xuanyue

Purple Xuanyue is a kind of succulent spider plant, its official name is very beautiful, called "Yellow Flower Crescent", is a plant with beautiful flowers and leaves, the most peculiar is its leaves, shaped like rice grains, full and juicy, when there is no sunlight is gray-green, in the case of full sun, the stems and leaves will gradually turn purple-red, look at it carefully in the sun, often give people a kind of dream beauty.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

Purple Xuanyue can bloom small yellow flowers, grow and bloom continuously, properly maintained, you can see it bloom all year round, yellow flowers, fresh and charming.

The propagation of Zixuanyue is based on cuttings, just cut a section of its leaves with 3 leaves, insert it into the soil, keep it moist for 7-10 days to take root, after rooting, it will show explosive growth, and soon it can grow into a large pot, hang up, like a flower curtain, beautiful and beautiful.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

Maintenance of purple Xuanyue needs to give it enough light, summer high temperature, to shade maintenance, the temperature is higher than 25 degrees, do not fertilize, usually keep the pot soil moist, do not accumulate water in the pot, during the growth period, apply compound fertilizer twice a month, you can grow particularly lush.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

2. Lipstick spider plant

Lipstick spider plant is a kind of epiphytic small shrub, the branches have strong spread, the leaves are leathery, symmetrical growth, can produce red flowers, cylindrical, a bit like the lipstick commonly used by girls, so it is called lipstick spider plant, the branches hang down, fresh and beautiful.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

There are pictures and truths, see if it is very beautiful and beautiful, and you need to pay attention to the maintenance of lipstick spider plant. Don't put it in strong light maintenance, it likes a semi-shady environment, as long as there is some scattered light can grow well, you need to maintain a good ventilation, warm environment, apply compound fertilizer 2-3 times a month, you can grow luxuriantly, and bloom beautiful lipstick flowers in the flowering period.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

3. Peony spider plant

Peony spider plant is also called chiba chrysanthemum, it is very popular in recent years, mainly not ornamental, but its leaves can be eaten, it tastes crisp and refreshing, especially delicious, but as an ornamental plant, peony spider plant also has a strong ornamental value, the branches grow fast, the spread is strong, the flowers bloom in all seasons, the flower color is rose, like a small peony, fresh and beautiful.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

The maintenance of peony spider plant is very simple, you only need to put it in a bright, well-ventilated place, keep the potting soil moist, apply compound fertilizer 2-3 times a month, it will grow very luxuriant, full of small safflower in all seasons.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

4. Purple leaf spider plant

Purple-leaved spider plant is also called hanging bamboo plum, its leaves are like pieces of bamboo leaves, purple-red, the branches spread strongly, often hung indoors in pots, watch its scattered and soft hanging stems and leaves, can bloom rose-red flowers, peanut on the top of the stem, beautiful and beautiful.

The maintenance of the purple leaf spider plant should maintain a moist environment, put it in a bright and well-ventilated place, water it once a day, and often spray water on its leaves, and apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer 2-3 times a month, so that it can grow fast and lush.

The "4 kinds of spider plant" are very beautiful, and they become "flower curtains" when they are raised casually, which is 100 times more beautiful than pothos

Editor丨Zheng Wei

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