
Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

author:Floral space

Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

Pothos is more common in life, but it is the most common, and this ordinary flower is not simple, not only can make the environment fresh and elegant, but also purify the air, reduce the formaldehyde content in the air, and help the body. Its price is cheap, usually more than a dozen yuan can buy a pot, the bedroom, study, balcony, living room, all put two pots, can reduce the indoor toxic gas, add more fresh oxygen.

In fact, the cultivation method of pothos is very simple, pay attention to watering can live, but can not think that only watering can grow prosperous, after all, watering can only simply replenish water, no nutrients, after a long time, the leaves will become smaller, dull color, and even yellow, so it is recommended that you master these tricks, raise pothos, will have a more high-end sense.

Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

First, add some ingredients when watering

Add some beer

Beer is a fermented product, and the content of carbon dioxide and nutrients in beer is very high. Just add a glass of beer to the watering, in a ratio of about 1:100, so that the leaves will be bright, large and shiny.

Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

Add some soybean water

Soybeans are more common for raising flowers, especially for some green plants, soak soybeans in water, soak them to twice the size, pour them into mineral water bottles with soup and water, and ferment them, and after about a month, they can be fermented successfully. Then dilute it with water, and then water it in a pot, use it every 15 days, two or three times during the growing season, there will be no shortage of fertilizer for a year, and the leaves will be bright and large.

Second, raise pothos with moss columns

The cost of raising pothos in this method is slightly higher, but the pothos raised is very high-end, and the pothos for ten yuan can raise the feeling of 100 yuan. We only need to buy a hard plastic net, which is rolled with moss, about 8 to 10 cm in diameter, rolled into a cylindrical shape, and then inserted into the pot, so that the branches of the pothos are fixed on the cylinder, so that the pothos will gradually climb up to ensure that the moss column is moist, and its root system will also be rooted in the moss, about fifty or sixty centimeters, the leaves will gradually increase, and the higher they grow, the leaves will be big and bright. Such pothos is placed on the balcony of the living room, and it is all face-saving, and anyone who sees it will say that it is good.

Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

Third, we should pay attention to the maintenance methods

Pothos likes to grow in a semi-shady environment, the demand for light is not very much, usually placed in a bright and bright astigmatism or semi-shaded place, do not be exposed to strong light, especially in the summer sun, must pay attention to shading or quickly remove to avoid sunburn leaves.

It prefers to grow in a warm environment, the most suitable temperature for growth is between 15 and 28 degrees, the temperature is too high and too low is not conducive to growth, in winter, if the temperature is very low, the north should be placed indoors for the winter, otherwise it will freeze to death in two days. In addition, spray the leaves more often, which will also ensure that the leaves become bright and watery.

Raising pothos, only watering is not good, master these, the leaves are all palms big, too advanced!

Through these three methods to raise pothos, the appearance of pothos will be doubled, and the growth is vigorous, the leaves are big and bright, and you can buy 100 yuan for 10 yuan! No matter where you put it at home, it is the most eye-catching existence.

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