
Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

In modern home life, the air quality problem after the renovation of a new house cannot be ignored. Many people know that pothos purifies the air, but in reality, there are many other plants that also have powerful air purifying powers. In this article, we'll explore those neglected "drug-addicted" plants that not only beautify the home environment, but also effectively absorb formaldehyde and other harmful gases. Each plant has its own unique purifying properties and maintenance points, and if you choose the right one, they will be the guardians of your family's health.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

1. Sunflower: Nature's master of air purification

Sunflower, an elegant palm plant, is not only attractive in appearance, but more importantly has an excellent ability to absorb xylene and formaldehyde in the air.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

Studies have shown that in an indoor environment of 10 square meters, a pot of sunflower can effectively improve air quality.

Care Tips: Sunflower likes bright, diffused light, keeps the soil slightly moist and avoids direct sunlight and overwatering.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

2. Monstera: An elegant air-purifying companion

Also known as Penglai banana, the monstera has an elegant posture and a strong purifying ability.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

Studies have shown that Monstera is particularly good at absorbing formaldehyde from the air, while its ability to absorb carbon dioxide at night and release oxygen should not be underestimated.

Maintenance tips: Monstera is adaptable, prefers a semi-shady growing environment, avoids strong direct sunlight, and is suitable for placing in the corner of the bedroom or living room.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

3. Saxivier: Nighttime oxygen provider

Saxivia can not only absorb harmful indoor gases such as sulfur dioxide, chlorine, ether, etc., but more importantly, it can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen at night.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

Studies have shown that six waist-high saxiftail orchids are enough to meet the oxygen needs of an adult.

Maintenance Tips: Saxifrage is drought tolerant and suitable for indoor maintenance to avoid stagnant water and low temperatures.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

4. Aloe Vera: The double messenger of beauty and purification

Aloe vera is not only a beauty product, but also a master of formaldehyde absorption. In a space of 1 cubic meter, aloe vera can absorb up to 90% of formaldehyde. If the indoor air quality is poor, the aloe vera leaves will produce brown spots, which will serve as an early warning of air quality.

Care tip: Aloe vera prefers sunlight and dry environments, avoid overwatering, and is suitable for placing on a balcony or by a window.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

5. Clematis fern: Nature's biopurifier

Not only does the clemat fern have a unique ornamental value, but it is also a powerful biopurifier.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

Studies have shown that clematis can absorb large amounts of formaldehyde per hour, making it especially suitable for freshly renovated rooms.

Maintenance tip: Clematis prefers moist environments and needs regular watering to keep the soil moist and away from direct sunlight.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

6. Pothos: Popularized air purification experts

Pothos is the most common air-purifying plant. In a space of 10 square meters, a pot of pothos is equivalent to a natural air purifier, which can effectively absorb harmful gases such as formaldehyde and benzene.

Maintenance tips: Pothos has strong adaptability, likes semi-shady environment, is suitable for indoor maintenance, keeps the soil slightly moist, and avoids direct sunlight.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

7. White Crane Taro: Elegant and efficient air purifier

White crane taro can not only absorb benzene and formaldehyde in the air, but also effectively inhibit the exhaust gas exhaled by the human body, such as ammonia and acetone. Its high evaporation rate helps prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out.

Care tips: White crane taro is suitable for growing in a warm and humid environment, away from strong direct sunlight, and suitable for placing in the living room or study.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

8. Ivy: Beautify a space while purifying the air

Ivy is not only a good choice for indoor greening, but it is also effective in absorbing the carcinogens in nicotine. In enclosed environments, ivy can significantly improve air quality.

Care tip: Ivy loves diffused light and needs to be pruned regularly to keep it looking good.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

9. Spider plant: The leader in indoor air purification

Spider plant is known as the "green purifier", in the indoor environment, can absorb more than 80% of harmful gases, especially formaldehyde. 1-2 pots of spider plants can significantly improve the air quality in the average room.

Maintenance tips: Spider plant prefers a semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight, suitable for indoor maintenance, and avoid overwatering.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot

10. African Jasmine: A source of air purification and fragrance indoors

African jasmine not only releases oxygen, but also has a significant bactericidal effect, and its aroma helps to relax the body and mind and improve sleep quality.

Care Tips: African jasmine prefers a bright environment, avoids direct sunlight, needs to keep the soil moist, and is suitable for placing in the living room or bedroom.

Don't always be pothos and pothos! These are "drug-addicted" plants, and the whole family will benefit from raising a pot


Choosing the right indoor plants can not only beautify your home, but also significantly improve air quality. These "drug-addicted" plants have their own strengths, and choosing plants that are suitable for your home environment can not only escort our health, but also add a green beauty and tranquility to your home life. Remember, greening your home is not only a way of life, but also a responsibility for your health.

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