
No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

author:Zou Yihan

1. Prologue: The Temptation of Pothos

Life is like a long journey, and we keep meeting all kinds of landscapes and people along the way. Home is the harbor of this long journey, a place for us to relax our minds and unite our emotions. However, even the most cozy and comfortable home can hide some dangers that we don't even notice. Today, what I'm going to tell you is about the pothos at home, listen to me in detail......

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

2. Chapter 1: The Beauty and Misunderstandings of Pothos

When I was a child, my house was always full of all kinds of greenery, and the most common of them was pothos. At that time, I was always attracted by the green leaves of pothos, which I thought were not only beautiful, but also said to have the effect of purifying the air. So, I started to put pothos everywhere in my house, thinking that it would make my home more vibrant.

However, it wasn't until one time, when I overheard a professional gardener, that I realized that pothos is not harmless. According to him, although pothos can absorb harmful substances in the air, it also releases an organic substance that is harmful to the human body. Moreover, the leaves of pothos are prone to bacteria and fungi, and long-term exposure may cause harm to the human body. This surprised me, and I thought that those pots of pothos at home could become a hidden health hazard!

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

3. Chapter 2: Warning in the Bedroom

The bedroom at home is a place where we can rest and relax every day, however, if there are pothos in the bedroom, it may have some bad effects. It is said that pothos will release carbon dioxide at night, and people are in the slowest state of breathing when sleeping, so that the human body is easily affected by carbon dioxide, affecting the quality of breathing, and even causing dizziness, drowsiness and other uncomfortable symptoms.

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

I remember one time I spent the night at a friend's house with a few pots of thriving pothos in their bedroom. I slept very uncomfortably that night, I always felt dizzy and tired, and I woke up the next morning feeling lethargic, and I didn't feel better until I went out. Later, I found out that it was the pothos that worked, and since then I have stayed away from the pothos in my bedroom.

4. Chapter 3: Caution in the living room

The living room is an important place for family life and a place to entertain guests, however, if pothos is placed in the living room, it may give a bad impression. Especially for some people who are particular about decoration, the presence of pothos may ruin the decoration style of the entire living room, giving people a sense of clutter.

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

I once went to a friend's house, and their living room was beautifully decorated, but the pots of pothos in the living room made the whole decoration look a little nondescript. When I chatted with my friend, he also admitted this and said that he was ready to move the pothos to the balcony to keep the living room tidy and beautiful. This made me realize that even beautiful pothos needs to be placed in consideration so as not to affect the beauty of the whole home.

5. Chapter 4: The Dangers of the Kitchen

The kitchen is the most likely part of the home to produce fumes and odors, and the presence of pothos may exacerbate these problems. It is said that pothos releases a volatile substance when exposed to sufficient light, which when mixed with the fumes in the kitchen, will produce a harmful substance that has an impact on human health.

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

I once heard of a real-life case of a family who had several pots of pothos in the kitchen, and as a result, the family often felt dizzy, especially when cooking. Later, they found a professional to test it, only to find that the pothos in the kitchen turned out to be the culprit. After the rectification, my family's physical condition gradually improved, which also gave me a warning that I should try to avoid placing pothos in the kitchen to avoid adverse health effects.

6. Chapter 5: Summary and Recommendations

Looking back on my experiences over the years, I deeply feel that although pothos is beautiful, if you don't pay attention to it, it can become a hidden danger to your family's health. Therefore, I would like to advise you to choose the location of pothos in your home carefully, and try to avoid placing it in bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and other places that may affect your health. For those who like green plants, you can choose some plants that are more suitable for putting at home, such as spider plants, cacti, etc., which can not only beautify the home environment, but also will not bring health risks.

No matter how big the house is, don't put pothos in these 4 places in the house, I just understand, go home and move it

7. Concluding remarks

There are many details in life that we don't notice, and the placement of pothos is one of them. I hope that through my sharing, more people can be aware of this problem, so as to protect the health of themselves and their families. Finally, let's take action together and work for a beautiful family environment!

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