
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people

author:Uncle Hua

These 18 kinds of flowers grow happily in the "lost" water, and the more willing the potted plants are watered, the easier it is to burst the pot


As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people's attention. With the development of society and the advancement of science and technology, horticulture is also constantly innovating and developing. In addition to traditional soil cultivation methods, hydroponic gardening has gradually emerged and gained widespread attention and love. In particular, some flowers can thrive in a hydroponic environment, which has become a new favorite of gardening enthusiasts. This article will introduce these 18 species of flowers that grow joyfully and lushly in hydroponic environments and explore the expertise of hydroponic horticulture.

First, the basic principles of hydroponic horticulture

Hydroponic horticulture, that is, growing flowers or plants in water to meet the growth needs of plants by supplying nutrients and oxygen to the water. Compared to traditional soil cultivation, hydroponic horticulture has many unique advantages. First of all, hydroponic horticulture does not require soil, avoiding the problem of soil-borne diseases. Secondly, nutrients in water can be directly absorbed and utilized by plants, which effectively improves nutrient utilization. In addition, hydroponic gardening can effectively control the supply of moisture and light, providing an ideal growing environment.

2. 18 kinds of flowers suitable for hydroponics

Narcissus: Daffodils thrive in hydroponic environments, with delicate flowers and a charming aroma.

Epipremnum aureum: Epipremnum aureum is a common indoor foliage plant that grows rapidly in hydroponic environments and exhibits rich leaf color.

Clematis (Chlorophytum comosum): Clematis is a shade-tolerant plant that can grow very vigorously in a hydroponic environment, with abundant foliage, suitable for indoor decoration.

Zamioculcas zamiifolia: A drought-tolerant, stress-tolerant plant that thrives in hydroponic environments and does not require frequent watering. Its leaves are full of emerald green, giving it a feeling of vitality.

Chlorophytum comosum: Chlorophytum comosum: Chlorophytum is a common indoor green plant, it can grow very robust in a hydroponic environment, long leaves hang down, adding greenery to the indoor space.

Dracaena sanderiana: Dracaena sanderiana is a popular foliage plant that grows very luxuriantly in hydroponic environments, with green leaves that give a refreshing feeling while purifying the air.

Violet (Saintpaulia): Violet is a flower that loves a humid environment, it can bloom beautiful flowers in a hydroponic environment, not only has ornamental value, but also emits a charming aroma.

Spathiphyllum wallisii: Snow White is a common indoor flower that grows very luxuriantly in a hydroponic environment, and the white flowers give a sense of elegance.

Water lily (Nymphaea): Water lily is one of the stars of hydroponic gardening, it grows spectacularly in the water, the flowers are brilliant and colorful, giving it a peaceful and romantic feeling.

Lotus: The lotus flower is one of the representatives of hydroponic gardening, it grows very beautifully in the water, the lotus leaves unfold, the lotus flowers bloom, giving an elegant atmosphere.

Anthurium: Hosta is a tropical flower that grows beautiful flowers in a hydroponic environment, with heart-shaped petals and bright colors, giving a feeling of enthusiasm.

Syngonium podophyllum: Syngonium podophyllum is a vine foliage plant that grows very luxuriantly in a hydroponic environment, with heart-shaped leaves and green leaves, suitable for interior decoration.

Aponogeton: Calla lily is an aquatic plant that grows quickly and robustly in a hydroponic environment, with flowers that appear a light white or pink color that gives a refreshing feeling.

Equisetum hyemale: It is an ancient plant that grows rapidly in hydroponic environments and exhibits a unique morphology, with long stem-like leaves erect like a crane's head, giving it a mysterious atmosphere.

Hydrocotyle vulgaris: Hydrocotyle vulgaris is a shallow water plant that expands rapidly in hydroponic environments, with dense leaves covering the water surface, giving it a green feeling.

Narcissus (Calla palustris): Narcissus is a hardy aquatic plant that thrives in hydroponic environments and produces pure white flowers that give it an elegant feeling.

Hygrophila polysperma: Hygrophila polysperma is an ornamental plant suitable for hydroponics, it can grow luxuriantly in water, and the leaves show rich green layers, giving people a feeling of vitality.

Salvinia natans: It is a floating plant that quickly covers the water surface in hydroponic environments and forms a dense layer of leaves, adding a unique landscape to hydroponic gardens.

These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people
These 18 kinds of flowers, "throwing" in the water grows happily, the more willing to water the potted plant, the easier it is to burst the pot Introduction: As an ancient and artistic discipline, horticulture has always attracted people

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