
#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant

author:Foam clumps

#四季都不会枯萎的盆栽有什么 #

❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because watering is too frequent, aloe vera is a succulent plant, like light is particularly drought-tolerant, aloe vera likes a warm and dry environment all year round, when raising it to place it in a place with more sunlight to avoid frequent water supply. The soil should be maintained with good drainage, and the maintenance temperature should be maintained above 7 degrees in winter. This allows your aloe vera to thrive, and the juice of the aloe vera prevents mosquito bites.

❷ Wannian Qing: Wannian Qing has a very large number of varieties, it is also considered to be one of the easiest indoor potted plants to take care of, it has little demand for light, does not need frequent watering, but to maintain Wannian Qing also remember to replenish water regularly. As long as it doesn't dry out.

❸ Ivy: Ivy is a very difficult climbing vine plant, which can also grow in pots and even creep on the ground. It is a very hardy and shade-tolerant plant that does not need long-term watering, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots. It is also necessary to avoid excessive sun exposure and maintain a certain air humidity.

❹ One leaf orchid: One leaf orchid also has a very strange name, it is called spider eggs. It is an extremely drought-tolerant and shade-tolerant foliage plant that used to be very popular , but is rarely replanted. One leaf orchid has a characteristic that its leaves can remain perennially emerald green, and the growth is extremely slow, generally it takes 3~5 years to grow a little. It does not require sunlight, and it is particularly resistant to arid environments and can grow well as temperatures above 5 degrees.

❺Ficus chinensis: Ficus chinensis is a foliage plant that has only become popular in recent years, it belongs to large green plants, and the leaves look particularly fresh. And the shape of its leaves is a bit like a violin plant, which is relatively tall and easy to grow, and if well maintained, it can rise to the height of the roof. Ficus chinensis is related to the usual banyan tree, so it is named Ficus kotophylla according to its various characteristics.

#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant
#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant
#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant
#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant
#What are the potted plants that will not wither in all seasons#❶ Aloe vera: Many people think that aloe vera is difficult to raise, in fact, because it is watered too often, aloe vera is a succulent plant that likes light and is particularly resistant

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