
Strategies for coping with excessive bamboo stripping: strengthening light, pruning, and water and fertilizer management

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
Strategies for coping with excessive bamboo stripping: strengthening light, pruning, and water and fertilizer management

Bamboos belong to the lily family Asparagus is a perennial plant, bamboos are highly ornamental plants, which can be placed in the living room and study, and at the same time purify the air and add a bookish atmosphere. Bamboos like warm, humid and semi-shaded and ventilated environments, and are not tolerant to severe cold and drought in winter, and avoid direct sunlight in summer. Bamboo is a very high ornamental plant, bamboo posture is beautiful, the branches are soft, the layers are clear, the height is orderly, and it is more beautiful and quiet. Bamboo is very popular among flower lovers, because it is not tolerant to severe cold, it is mainly cultivated in the central, northwest, Yangtze River basin and southern parts of China. Most bamboo lovers are to buy cultivated bamboo for cultivation and ornamentation, as a highly ornamental plant, bamboo is deeply loved by the majority of flower lovers. However, in the process of maintenance, many flower lovers will encounter a problem - the bamboo strip is too long. This not only affects the overall aesthetics of bamboo, but also may lead to a weakening of the plant's growth potential and reduced resistance. This article will discuss this problem and propose corresponding solutions.

Strategies for coping with excessive bamboo stripping: strengthening light, pruning, and water and fertilizer management

1. Strengthen light management: bamboo cultivation can not be exposed to the scorching sun, and can be placed in a semi-shaded place that is not exposed to direct sunlight in summer. 1. Sufficient sunlight is of great significance for the growth of bamboo. Proper light can promote photosynthesis and allow bamboos to better absorb nutrients, thereby inhibiting overelongation. 2. In daily care, it should be ensured that the bamboo receives enough scattered light and avoid direct sunlight to avoid burning the leaves. In the case of insufficient light, you can choose artificial supplemental light, and use special lamps to provide a suitable light source for bamboo. 3. If the light is insufficient, the new branches grow in order to compete for sunlight, so the bamboo should be placed in the scattered light, and the pot should be turned regularly to make the light even, so as to avoid the occurrence of the phenomenon of the bamboo plant jumping high in order to compete for the sun.

2. Pruning: 1. Timely pruning is one of the effective means to control the length of bamboo strips. By cutting off excessively long branches, it can maintain a good shape, and at the same time stimulate its germination of new side buds and increase the fullness of plant shape. 2. When pruning, care should be taken to choose the right tools, such as sharp gardening scissors, etc., to reduce the damage to the plants. In addition, following the principle of "top to bottom", the height of the bamboo is gradually adjusted to make it more symmetrical and harmonious. Pruning in the growing season is generally high and easy to germinate new branches, and the amount of watering should be appropriately reduced after pruning, and the potting soil should never be too wet, otherwise it will lead to pruning failure. 3. The strip of bamboo is too long to be pruned, so when the top bud of the long branch grows to 2-3 cm, it needs to be shortened in time. In this way, the position of the stem can be promoted, and the branches and leaves can be separated, so that the plant shape is constantly plump, and the branches that exceed a certain length need to be shortened and need to be pruned frequently.

3. Do a good job in water and fertilizer management: 1. Proper water supply is essential for the healthy growth of bamboo. Watering should follow the principle of "see dry and see wet", that is, replenish water after the soil is dry to prevent excessive moisture and suffocation of the root system. 2. Fertilizer selection should also be cautious. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is a more suitable type of fertilizer, which can effectively improve the stress resistance and ornamental value of plants. When fertilizing, it is necessary to pay attention to the appropriate concentration to avoid the phenomenon of burning seedlings caused by too high concentration.

In the face of the problem of too long bamboo strips, we can improve it by strengthening light management, proper pruning, and scientific water and fertilizer control. Only in this way can we restore our bamboo to a vibrant posture and become the finishing touch of home greening. I hope this article can provide some help for the majority of flower lovers, and let us explore more secrets about bamboo conservation together.

Strategies for coping with excessive bamboo stripping: strengthening light, pruning, and water and fertilizer management

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