
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid

author:Autumn Moon Spring Breeze TX

Freedom and happiness crane wanglan

Strelitzia reginae, also known as bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wanglan is a perennial evergreen plant in the family Hewanglan family, up to 2 meters tall, fan-shaped green leaves divided into two rows, 25-70 cm long, 10-30 cm wide, petioles up to 1 meter. The flowers grow on the end of the stem, and the fleshy spikes resemble a bird's beak, and resemble a bird's head due to being perpendicular to the stem. The flowers are 22–25 cm long and 16–18 cm high. There are also cases where two flowers grow at the same stem end (see Figures IV and V). Flowering takes place in autumn and winter.

Tsuruwang Orchid Language: Freedom and Happiness.

(Note: The last four photos are side, top, front and back views of the same flower)

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Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid
Free and happy crane wanglan crane wanglan, scientific name: Strelitzia reginae, alias bird of paradise, paradise regina, bird of paradise flower, native to South Africa, crane wang orchid

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