
The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control

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The old rule is to report the number first.

78 kg.

My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night.

On the second day of sugar control, I lost one pound of weight, and yesterday I lost one and a half pounds.

Losing weight, not losing staple foods, it seems that the effect is not obvious.

Eat a full breakfast and lunch, so that you can better cope with hunger in the evening.

Nothing to do in the evening, went to the supermarket and bought some fruits and nuts.

Macadamia nuts cost 19.8 yuan a catty, and I bought two catties, a total of 49.6 yuan.

I bought two bags of plain nuts and one bag of red dates, and spent a total of 34 yuan.

I went back in the evening and opened a bag of macadamia nuts, tasted a few, and the taste was not bad, crispy and fragrant, and there was no money in vain.

I will eat some nuts every day, after all, nuts are rich in nutrients, contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, and eating them in moderation is good for the body.

Now I don't look at the price when I buy things, as long as the things are good, it doesn't matter if they are expensive.

It's better than eating junk food.

I'm Xiaodouzi, if you like it, you can follow me and share interesting things together.

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The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control
The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control
The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control
The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control
The old rule is to report the number first. 78 kg. My weight dropped 75 in the morning, and my appetite was not very good in the past two days, so in order to control my weight, I didn't eat staple food for dinner, and I wasn't hungry at night. Sugar control

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