
10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

author:Flower cultivation exchange

If you are looking for a large-leaf indoor foliage plant, then the following 10 indoor green plants should not be missed, to choose the right variety according to the light conditions at home, not every one is suitable for you.

1. Roundleaf spiny palm

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Round leaf spiny palm is a very unique palm variety, its leaves are particularly large, the overall is relatively round, looks like a large fan, the leaves are very wrinkled, this plant is particularly rough to the touch, but its unique shape, can add a scenery to the home.

Many people see this plant for the first time and even think it is an artificial flower. It prefers a sunny environment, in warm and sunny weather, the soil is about 3 cm dry, you can water through, it can grow well in semi-shade or sunny positions.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

In the process of maintenance, pay attention to reasonable watering, in the warm season can keep the soil dry and watered, winter low temperature to properly control water, but also pay attention to maintain a certain air humidity (relative humidity above 75%), planting this plant must use well-drained soil.

2. Flowers and leaves are young

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

There are also some particularly good-looking varieties of flowers and leaves, such as reflective imperial perennial, their leaves have particularly attractive markings, this plant is very easy to care for, but also more popular, is an indoor foliage plant.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Flowers and leaves can tolerate low light environment, and can survive normally under indoor lights, and the maintenance of this plant does not require frequent watering, and must wait until the soil is completely dry before replenishing water. The soil drainage of the plant should be good, there is no need to have too much fertility, and there is no need to use too good soil.

However, it should be noted that the flowers and leaves are poisonous plants, and the milky white juice in its stems and leaves is poisonous, so avoid accidental touch or ingestion.

3. Green apple arrowroot

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

There are many ornamental arrowroot leaves are particularly large, especially green apple arrowroot, its spherical leaves look particularly fresh, the leaf surface has white and green markings, in the indoor shade environment can also maintain growth, but pay attention to maintain high humidity, avoid too dry air.

Maintain potted green apple arrowroot to avoid exposure to the sun, give more soft scattered light, pay attention to keep the soil dry and watered during growth, do not let the soil continue to be wet, and check the dryness and wetness of the soil before each watering. Indoor maintenance should also pay attention to cleaning the leaves regularly to avoid too much dust on the leaves.

4. Glory Vine Green Velvet

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

This super-large plant looks particularly conspicuous, its leaves are dark green overall, and the veins are white, creating a sharp contrast.

This kind of large-leaved plant is very skin-resistant, like sufficient scattered light, bright light can also maintain survival, with appropriate light will grow faster, usually pay attention to regular watering, soil dry watering, winter low temperature must pay attention to water control, the lowest temperature to keep above seven degrees is the best.

5. Salian alocasia

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

The family of alocasia is particularly large, most of their varieties have particularly large leaves, and many can be cultivated as indoor medium and large plants. One of the more striking varieties is Alocasia, whose leaves are arrow-shaped.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

To maintain this plant is to maintain high humidity, more than three or five hours of scattered light every day, the substrate of cultivation should be as loose and breathable as possible, you can add enough granular soil, loose scales and coarse coconut shells to the soil, accounting for more than 30% of the potting soil, later watering to keep the soil under 3 ~ 5 cm dry and then water, do not let the soil continue to be wet or watered.

6. Rubber tree (Ficus hindu)

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Rubber trees have many varieties of flowers and leaves, which are more ornamental, and their leaves vary in markings, as well as varieties with emerald green or dark green leaves.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Rubber trees are particularly fond of light, prefer a warm and humid environment all year round, and do not like excessive shade. Some florists have smaller rubber leaves. Then pay attention to check whether the root system is full of potting soil, change the pot in time, and give enough light, water and nutrients during the maintenance process.

7. Spring feathers

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Spring feather is the most common plant in the Asteraceae family, in Liangguang these places it is often used as landscaping, the root at the bottom of the plant will grow particularly thick, if the bottom leaves fall, there will be many small pimples on it, look like dragon scales, the spring feathers of the old pile are called dragon scale spring feathers.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Spring feather is also an extremely easy to raise a large leaf plant, its leaves are like feathers cracked, need a larger space to raise this plant, the maintenance position should have more scattered light, avoid strong direct light, pay attention to maintain humidity, the soil is dry and watered.

8. Monstera

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Monstera has long been a very popular large indoor foliage plant, its leaves will grow larger and larger, but the old leaves at the bottom of the plant will grow smaller, if you can give it the appropriate climbing space (or shelf), it can even grow into a climbing vine plant.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

If you want to make its leaves grow larger and larger, grow more cracked leaves, then give more scattered light, maintain a warm and humid environment all year round, maintain high humidity, the soil should be fertile and loose, and the drainage of the potting soil must be good.

9. Ficus grandiflora

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

If there is not much sunlight at home, it is not recommended to raise this plant, this ficus plant has a great demand for light, if there is no sunlight at home, then do not raise this plant, it is best to have more than 6 hours of light a day, and its growth is the best.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

If the potted Ficus macrophyllum lacks light, the leaves are easy to fall off (yellow), the leaves are easy to grow some rust spots, and it is difficult to grow new leaves, and the state will be worse and worse.

In addition to ensuring sufficient light, Ficus chinensis should also pay attention to watering in time, and do not let the soil continue to be moist or dry for a long time.

10. Tsuruwanglan

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

Crane Wanglan is a very classic tropical foliage plant, the plant can grow particularly tall (more than 2~3 meters), especially the large crane Wanglan (Nikolai Crane Wanglan), this large foliage plant is kept indoors, lack of light, it will definitely be difficult to flower.

10 kinds of indoor foliage plants with large leaves, the needs are very different, don't choose randomly

If you want to make Hewanglan bloom, it is best to have more than 4~6 hours of light every day, want to make its leaves grow more emerald green, avoid too many cracked leaves, you should pay attention to maintain high humidity, maintain a warm environment all year round (above 15 degrees), during the growth period, supplement fertilizer every two or three weeks, generally based on general fertilizer.

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