
The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

author:Sister Rong Flower House

Money trees, almost every household likes to raise. Because it is not only beautiful in appearance, but also because the leaves are green and shiny, it looks particularly eye-catching. In addition, the leaves are like ancient coins, which means that they attract wealth and enter the treasure, and keep them at home and prosperous in the town.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

However, many people's money trees have been kept for a long time, and either yellow leaves and fallen leaves appear, or the leaves are dull in color and look listless. If this symptom appears, I will teach you a good method, that is, the money tree has a "small switch", turn it on, and the "little money buds" squeeze the pot. After dividing, it can be turned into many pots.

(1) The money tree has a "small switch"

Speaking of the small switch of the money tree, that is, the root of the money tree. The root of the money tree is not only the roots, but also its roots

As long as the growth environment adapts, new small buds will grow on its stems, and when these small buds grow up, they will become the leaves of the money tree.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

Money trees like a warm environment, and when the temperature reaches 15 degrees or more, it enters the vigorous growth period of money trees. During this time, many "small money buds" will grow on its stems and roots, and when they grow up, they will be the leaves of the money tree. When its leaves grow, they will be long and short, so it is also called "".

If you want to fill the pot of the money tree, you need to turn on this "little switch" when it is growing vigorously in the spring, and let its "little money buds" drill out and show a sense of vitality.

(2) How to turn on the "small switch" of the money tree?

The small buds that grow out of the money tree are as fat and fat as bamboo shoots, and it is particularly laborious to grow, especially when the soil is compacted, and the small buds of the money tree are easy to suffocate if they can't grow.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

In other words, your money tree may grow a lot of small money buds every year, but you don't pay attention to it and don't maintain it well, causing them to rot.

Now we need to turn on the "little switch" and let the little money buds of the money tree pop up.

(1) Turn over the pot to change the soil and promote vitality

The money tree is called the lazy flower because it is particularly drought tolerant because of the amount of water in its tubers. In normal times, you can manage it for many days with just one watering, so it is often overlooked.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

If your money tree hasn't been repotted for two years, then take advantage of the spring temperature to quickly repot and change the soil, maybe there will be a surprise, that is, a lot of small money buds are full.

It is recommended to use humus soil for planting money trees, because money trees like slightly acidic soils, and in this kind of soil, the tuber roots of money trees will grow more and more fattening, and the small money buds will also rub and pop.

When configuring the soil, you can also add river sand or vermiculite to the soil, in order to have better water permeability, there will be no water and rotten roots.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

When planting money trees, as long as the root system is fixed, there is no need to bury them too deeply, in order to make the small money buds of the money tree more likely to emerge.

(2) Pull the surrounding soil and let the "little money buds" pop up

There is also a simple and risky way, which is to pull the soil around the roots of the money tree.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

(3) Water germination

Money trees are more drought tolerant, but when the temperature reaches more than 15 degrees, money trees grow faster and require more water. At this time, you can water the money tree frequently, that is, keep the soil slightly moist, which will help the small money buds of the money tree to emerge.

Watering the money tree,

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

Therefore, to water the money tree, you can use fermented rice water, fermented beer water, fermented peel water, and rainwater.

The money tree that absorbs water not only grows green leaves, but also shines in the sun, which makes it look particularly wealthy. And the small money buds of the money tree can also be bubbling up non-stop, like fat bamboo shoots, tender, fat, and it looks lovely.

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot

Final summary

The money tree has a "little switch", turn it on, and the "little money bud" squeezes the pot. If your money tree has not burst buds yet, try to turn on the "little switch", I believe that your money tree can also be full of "small money buds"!

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