
The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

author:Slightly drunk pick-up light M

The money tree is a common potted plant, also known as the money string, known as the lucky tree, and is one of the plants that many people like. Money trees bloom in the form of small, cute flowers, usually only 1 to 2 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers can be white, pink, or light yellow, and they usually grow on peduncles at the ends, with each flower gradually forming clusters to form a unique flower shape.

The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

Because the flowers of the money tree are too small, some people may not find it beautiful. Therefore, some people think that the blossoming of the money tree is unlucky, indicating that someone will get sick, etc., let's give you a detailed analysis.

First of all, it should be emphasized that the flowering of the money tree is a normal growth phenomenon and has nothing to do with auspiciousness. Money trees usually bloom in spring or summer, and the flowers are spherical and mostly white, yellowish or greenish in color. This does not mean anything bad, it only reflects the growth and reproduction of plants. On the contrary, flowering indicates that the plant has strong vitality and beautiful shape, which is a praiseworthy thing.

The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

Secondly, the flowering of the money tree has nothing to do with the health of the human body. This statement has no scientific basis at all and is a false legend. People's health is related to many factors such as the environment, lifestyle, eating habits, etc., and is not related to whether the money tree blooms. Believing such deceptive words will only waste time and energy and will not help solve the problem.

Properly speaking, if the money tree in the home grows abnormally and has a diseased condition, it indicates that the plant needs better maintenance and upkeeping. During plant growth, like diet and humans, proper temperature, humidity and light along with moderate watering and fertilizer are required to grow healthily. When the money tree has a disease, you can contact a professional plant care staff for professional advice and help to ensure the healthy growth of the plant.

The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

Finally, we need to emphasize that superstitious legends are outdated in the age of science, so we need to keep thinking rationally and discard false ideas and bad traditions. When dealing with things, you need to know how to keep a clear head and use scientific methods to analyze and solve problems.

Here's what happens to the money tree after it blooms:

1. Remove the flowers immediately after withering. The flowers of the money tree usually only bloom for a few days to a week or so, after which they wither. In order to maintain the growth of the plant, it should be pruned immediately after the flower withers.

The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

2. Give appropriate fertilizer. Money trees consume a lot of nutrients during flowering, so they need to be topdressed properly. You can choose a liquid fertilizer specifically for houseplants, add it to the watering for fertilization according to the instructions. However, you should pay attention to the concentration and type of fertilizer, and do not use it excessively, so as not to affect plant growth.

3. Pay attention to daily care. Money trees also need daily care after they bloom. Maintain the right humidity and temperature to avoid dryness or cold weather. In addition, pay attention to control the number of watering to avoid root rot caused by too wet soil.

The money tree blossoms unluckily, but also indicates illness? What age are they, and they still believe in this kind of nonsense!

After the money tree blooms, it is necessary to remove the flowers in time, top dressing in an appropriate amount and do a good job of daily care. This will help it return to its best condition and ensure that the next blooming flowers will be more beautiful. At the same time, always remember that the flowering of the money tree is only one of the ordinary natural phenomena and does not require excessive interpretation and superstition.

To sum up, claims such as the unlucky blossom of the money tree and the indication that someone is sick are legends and lack scientific basis. For this plant with strong reproductive vitality and high ornamental value, we need to respect its growth law and give appropriate care to ensure that it can play a better role in our lives.

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