
Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

author:A treasure book for healthy eating

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

People who love gardening spend some time paying attention to their garden or houseplants. Whether growing flowers or indoors, flower care is a very important part, especially when it comes to feng shui. In this article, we'll introduce you to flower care tips for three plants.

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

Conservation tips for green roses

Lotus is a popular houseplant, it grows, reproduces indoors and is easy to maintain. Because green roses have certain feng shui effects, placing green roses indoors can supplement people's financial positions, so more and more people choose to raise green roses at home.

Maintenance Tips:

Light: Green roses like a cool environment and can grow in shady places indoors, but they also need to receive some scattered light, so it is more suitable to place them next to windows blocked by curtains.

Moisture: Green rose is a plant that does not like too much water, do not water too often, keep a small amount of moistness.

Temperature: Green rose is suitable for growing in an environment with an indoor temperature of 18-24 degrees, be careful not to let it be too hot or too cold.

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

Cactus conservation tips

Cactus is a perennial plant with strong longevity and resistance to resistance. They have a good feng shui effect, placed in the office or home, can play a role in protecting people.

Maintenance Tips:

Sunlight: Cacti prefer plenty of sunlight and can be placed in sunny windows.

Moisture: Cacti survive because they can store water for a long time and do not need to be watered frequently unless they dry out, 1-2 times a month in summer and 1 time per month in winter.

Soil: Sand or perlite is often added to the soil of cacti for better drainage.

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

Conservation tips for prickly prickly balls

The prickly prickly ball is a rounded succulent plant with a cute shape that is perfect for indoor maintenance. It is a very characteristic plant that also has a good effect on feng shui.

Maintenance Tips:

Sunlight: Prickly prickly prickly prickly prick

Moisture: Cactus prickly prickly is very drought-resistant, so the number of watering should not be too much, about once a week can be watered.

Temperature: Prickly prickly prickly prickly p

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui


Through this article, you can learn about the maintenance tips of green rose, cactus and cactus ball, and understand their flowering, seedlings, irrigation and other precautions.

In the field of feng shui, green roses, cacti and cactus balls all play an important role and can have a positive impact on people's lives and work. I hope that in the future, you will be able to take care of your garden and indoor plants to make your life better.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I always wither when I raise green roses?

If the green rose is exposed to the sun for a long time, it will cause excessive sunburn of the leaves, which can easily lead to chlorosis. In addition, excessive watering of green roses will also cause root rot, so it is necessary to maintain a small amount of humidity.

Flower Care Tips: Effects of green rose, cactus, and cactus ball on feng shui

How should prickly prickly balls be reproduced?

Cactus prickly balls can be used for sprout growth and reproduction. When the new shoots grow to a certain length, use scissors to separate the shoots from the mother plant, and then plant the new shoots into the new potting soil.

At what temperature are cacti best for growing?

Cacti are best grown in environments with indoor temperatures of 18-24 degrees, taking care not to leave them too hot or too cold.

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