
Do you like raising prickly balls?

author:Come on, jingle cat

Do you like raising prickly balls?

As a flower lover, I highly recommend everyone to raise flowers of fairy balls, because what? The main thing is to raise well, too good to raise.

Many people like to raise succulent, in fact, what everyone calls succulent generally refers to the sedum class, cute and cute, are attracted by its state, because it is cute, so cute, and some people like its vicissitudes, commonly known as the old pile.

Although succulent is fun, but there is a big disadvantage, especially easy to black rot, especially in summer, high temperature and humidity, easy black rot, the best way is not to water, resist this summer.

The prickly balls are much easier to feed, and they don't need to be taken care of so carefully, as the saying goes, the skin is real, and it can bloom such beautiful flowers.

I was attracted by its blooming flowers, so I got out of control and entered the mode of non-stop buying, buying, buying, and buying, cactus balls are really fun, in addition to a variety of colors, there are various forms, such as round cactus balls, there are also cactus shapes, and hanging types, of course, there are cute, and old piles.

The main thing is good care, some people do not like its thorns, there are also thornless, prickly prickly balls are fun.

Do you like raising prickly balls?
Do you like raising prickly balls?
Do you like raising prickly balls?
Do you like raising prickly balls?


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