
Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

Spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers.

Why do humans love spring so much?

In addition to the beautiful scene of the revival of all things and the germination of flowers and plants, hundreds of millions of farmers have started the busy year during this time period, writing spring ploughing epics on the vast land.

And once the Lantern Festival is over, the messengers of early spring also follow a variety of spring dishes and appear freshly in the vegetable market.

And for the Jiangnan people who love to eat spring vegetables, from the "four wilds in early spring" to the "seven heads and one brain", from the "Book of Poetry" to the "Dream of the Red Chamber", a map of wild vegetables is also slowly opened--- shazhou wei cabbage green, Baguazhou reed artemisia is the most abundant, Jiangxinzhou's malantou is fresh.

These spring vegetables can play a role in eliminating spring dryness, reducing fire, as well as maintaining the effect of lowering blood lipids and stabilizing blood sugar, and has a very important health care effect on human health.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

Which "spring vegetables" can play a role in clearing the stomach and preventing diabetes?

First, lettuce

Lettuce contains a lot of vitamins, but also contains a lot of plant fiber, potassium, iodine, fluorine, carotene, folic acid, inorganic salts and other nutrients.

In addition, lettuce contains a particularly high amount of niacin, which can enhance insulin in the body and help lower blood sugar.

In addition, lettuce contains a lot of plant cellulose, which can play a role in improving the peristalsis of the intestinal wall and has a good improvement effect on constipation.

The nutrients in lettuce can stimulate the body's digestive enzyme secretion, to enhance appetite, and improve gastrointestinal function.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

2. Toon

As a seasonal vegetable in spring, toon, with its unique aroma, becomes the top C in spring vegetables.

In addition, the nutrients contained in toon are also particularly high, especially the magnesium, potassium, calcium and B vitamins are particularly high.

These nutrients can play a role in lowering blood lipids and blood sugar.

Therefore, in the spring, people with high blood sugar can eat some toon appropriately, which can play a good role in preventing and treating high blood pressure.

In addition, a series of organic substances such as vitamin E and toonin contained in toon have a good health effect on the spleen and stomach, and the vitamin C, crude fiber and carotene contained in it can play a laxative effect, and also have a certain maintenance effect on the intestinal mucosa.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

Third, spring shoots

Spring shoots have a tender taste and have the reputation of "vegetable king".

Spring shoots contain very high nutrients, such as protein, various vitamins, carotene, amino acids and other trace elements.

Moreover, spring shoots are low-starch, low-fat, multi-coarse fiber and high-protein foods, and are one of the best foods for diabetics.

In addition, the plant cellulose content in spring shoots is particularly rich, which has a good effect on eliminating bloating and improving gastrointestinal digestion, especially for people with constipation, eating spring shoots appropriately can play a role in preventing constipation.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

Fourth, mustard greens

The earliest dish that can be picked in early spring is the cabbage, which has been recorded in the Book of Poetry--- "Who is bitter, its sweetness is like a cabbage", and the cabbage has also accompanied Chinese diners for thousands of years.

And this small wild vegetable is not only widely distributed, strong in nature, the north and south of the river can find its figure, not to mention its delicious taste, whether it is stir-fried, soup or chopped to make filling, but also has a different flavor.

The most important thing is that the cabbage is still a small expert in calcium supplementation, 100g of cabbage contains 294mg of calcium, almost 3 times that of milk, although the absorption rate is not as good as the calcium of milk, but it is good to measure enough.

Because most Chinese people did not have the habit of drinking milk in the past, the general population has insufficient calcium intake, so relying on eating these dark green vegetables such as cabbage can also play a role in calcium supplementation.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

Spring goes and spring comes again, and spring vegetables are full of life.

The spring light repeats itself, and the taste of these spring dishes has also sunk into the fine and dense cultural background of the people.

Whether it is Su Shi swimming with the puffer fish with artemisia annua, or the fried goji sprouts that Baochao and Tanchun want to eat in "Dream of the Red Chamber", or Wang Zengqi and Zhou Zuoren are obsessed with the wild vegetables in their hometown.

With the rejuvenation of the earth, a journey of early adopters, this has just begun.

Spring breeze and the south bank of the Green River! The wildest spring may be hidden in these 4 spring dishes

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