
Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?

Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?

This is the 3703rd article of Da Yi Xiao Nursing

After the sting, the spring thunder broke, and all the grasses and trees flourished. After the rain, the mushrooms have broken through the ground, as if to compete for the synonym of spring. It is said that after eating spring shoots, it is necessary to have a spring new. Its fragrance is pure and sweet, high nutritional value, and is deeply loved by the public. However, it is rich in a large amount of crude fiber, which is difficult to digest and easily abrases the digestive tract. Therefore, people with peptic ulcers are best to eat less so as not to aggravate the condition.

Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?

First, what is wrong with the "stomach" of peptic ulcer?

Peptic ulcer, which refers to the ulcer formed by the digestion of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract by itself, is the most common gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, which can occur at any age. Studies report that about 10% of people worldwide have suffered from the disease in their lifetime, and more men than women.

Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?

2. Why do I suffer from peptic ulcer?

★ Helicobacter pylori infection, which is the most common cause.

★ Drug stimulation: Aspirin, fenbide, paracetamol, dexamethasone and other drugs can damage the gastric mucosa, so be sure to follow the doctor's advice and do not take medicine casually.

★ Psychosocial factors: long-term mental tension, anxiety or mood swings, susceptible to peptic ulcer.

★ Bad eating habits: long-term smoking, drinking, overeating, eating spicy and irritating foods are also susceptible to peptic ulcers.

Third, it is not an infectious disease, why is it said that peptic ulcer is contagious?

Infection of peptic ulcer is mainly closely related to Helicobacter pylori infection. Therefore, people with peptic ulcers should go to the hospital to check the C13 breath test to determine if there is a Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection. Those who are determined to be infected should eat separate meals or use chopsticks, and should not kiss children.

4. What is the difference between common stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers?

Master the 5 major points and easily distinguish between stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer!

Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?
Spring shoots are just in time, "stomach" are you ready?

Fifth, how to "protect the stomach" with peptic ulcer, remember five to five!

Five points:

1, diet should be regular, chew slowly, a small number of meals.

2. Follow the doctor's instructions for formal treatment, use anti-HP, acid-suppressing, and gastric mucosal drugs, and insist on taking drugs according to the course of treatment.

3. Maintain an optimistic and cheerful mood and a regular life.

4. Regular gastroenterology follow-up and gastroscopy.

5. Once the melena, hematemesis, abdominal pain intensified, pain regularity changes, etc. are found, they need to seek medical treatment in time.

Five don't

Five Don't:

1, do not eat coffee, strong tea, strong broth and other irritating foods.

No matter how delicious the spring shoots are, it is not recommended to eat them.

2, avoid urgent food, diet is not enough.

3. Do not use relevant drugs that induce or cause aggravation of ulcer disease, such as salicylic acid drugs.

4. Avoid staying up late, overly nervous and tired.

5, do not hide the disease and avoid medical treatment, read this popular science to feel that you are a doctor, you can self-treatment.

brief summary

Peptic ulcer can be effectively prevented: actively improve lifestyle, take drugs rationally, eradicate Helicobacter pylori, and make gastroscopy a routine physical examination item.

Peptic ulcer can be cured: once the ulcer occurs, it is necessary to actively regulate treatment and regular gastroscopy review (even if the ulcer is healed).

So, when the spring shoots are delicious, is your "stomach" ready?


1. You Liming, Wu Ying, Internal Medicine Nursing 6th Edition[M].People's Medical Publishing House.2017,12.

Remarks: The image is from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please inform and delete it.

Author: Shanghai Pudong New Area Zhoupu Hospital

Fan Weihong is in charge of nurse

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