
Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

As the saying goes: food is the sky, the stomach is the first.

If the stomach is not good, it is bound to eat anything fragrant.

However, there are "ten stomachs and nine diseases", many people will have acid reflux, heartburn, belching and other stomach discomfort symptoms, most people go to the hospital can not find faults, but remote is stomach discomfort, eating is not good.

In fact, the reason why the stomach is not good, I don't know if everyone often makes these mistakes in daily life, resulting in your stomach being "broken" step by step?

Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

First, eat irregularly

Most people are busy with work or lazy to cook often have the habit of not eating on time, if the stomach food becomes less, gastric acid secretion is too much, it will digest its own gastric mucosa, over time will damage the gastric mucosa and weaken the ability to digest, resulting in indigestion, gastric ulcers and so on.

Eating too much not only affects sleep but also increases the burden on the stomach and intestines, which can cause gastritis or stomach ulcer problems in the long run.

Second, eat too fast

Eating too fast or gobbling up reduces the chances of adequate contact with food and saliva.

Not only is it not conducive to the absorption of food, but also directly into the stomach will increase the digestive burden of the gastrointestinal tract, and eventually cause abdominal pain, indigestion, gastritis and other uncomfortable symptoms.

Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

Third, excessive alcohol consumption

Excessive consumption of alcohol will harm the health of the stomach, alcohol is easy to stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, long-term drinking will affect the secretion of gastric juice and damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, due to gastrointestinal mucosa congestion or erosion and there is a risk of gastric ulcers.

Fourth, eat pickled foods often

Pickled foods contain a lot of salt, and too much salt will not only aggravate the occurrence of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, but also damage the protective layer of the gastric mucosa.

Occasional injuries can be recovered quickly, but if you have been on a long-term high-salt diet, this damage is persistent, and the gastric mucosa is transformed into "atrophy-enteration-cancer" on this basis.

Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

Fifth, blindly take drugs

Most nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will have side effects of damaging the gastric mucosa when they play a therapeutic role, so it is also necessary to pay attention to the precautions of the drug in taking the juice of the drug, and do not blindly take it at will.

If the condition requires long-term aspirin, remember to measure whether the stomach can tolerate it at the same time, and if necessary, use protective drugs such as the stomach.

Sixth, love to drink high wine

Drinking alcohol itself is harmful and non-beneficial, even if you drink a small amount of low-grade wine, it will also damage the gastric mucosa, and even cause acute abdominal pain and stomach bleeding.

Therefore, drink pleasantly, greedy cup hurts the stomach, this wine is recommended or do not quit it!

Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

Do white porridge and noodles really nourish the stomach?

Once the stomach is uncomfortable, many people will start to drink porridge, eat noodles and other stomachs.

But in fact, porridge and noodles, usually gelatinized starch, low protein content, almost no fat, single nutrition, so it is conducive to the absorption of the stomach.

However, the problem is that the digestive burden of the stomach is reduced, but if you eat these easily absorbed foods for a long time, it will also reduce the digestion capacity of the stomach.

Therefore, drinking porridge for a long time to nourish the stomach may end up raising a "degenerate stomach".

Do drinking porridge and eating noodles really nourish the stomach? Reminder: What can really "nourish the stomach" is mainly these 3 things

Compared with the so-called stomach food, the way to really nourish the stomach is actually very simple:

1. Maintain a regular diet

Patients' irregular diet is an important cause of stomach disease, so it is necessary to maintain regular meals on the diet, not to eat too much or too little, a small number of meals.

Especially for the elderly and weak, gastrointestinal function is reduced, it is best to eat 4-5 meals a day, each meal is 60% or 70% full, and it is necessary to chew carefully and swallow slowly when eating

2, eat less irritating foods

Avoid eating hot, too cold, and too hard food, eat less or try not to eat too hard and rough food, fried or grilled food.

In addition, pickled foods contain more salt and some carcinogens, and these foods should be eaten as little as possible.

3, nutritional balance, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, such as cherries, guavas, green peppers, strawberries, oranges, bitter melons, snow red, etc., according to personal preferences.

At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the content of other essential nutrients in the body, eat more high-protein foods such as eggs, milk and soy products, and maintain nutritional balance.

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